Monday 11 November 2019

Double feature: New art and a story. They Will Come

Hi Everyone
   Time for what was going to be a kind of scary Halloween post, but it got sidelined and then moved about but now I think I can happily post it.
  We return to the 25th Century for a story and art, which though not directly connected are based on the same concept, which in turn is based on a concept by and Author named simply as Stacy, whose wonderful story 'Wrapped in Time' ,I keep returning to.
   I really need explain nothing of this , because the story before the art has all the details you will need and anything else, well, I am sure we can discuss that as the kinky minded friends that we are.


They will come

   “You think you can come before me in that uniform, all pretty and painted, all hot and sexy and think I would not be angry with you? Hell Ensign you could stand before me naked but for a film of Agreenian mega-slug sneezoslime and I would still be furious”.    
  Ensign Stephanie Beauchamp, Stevie to those who knew the bubbly blonde, trembled in her heels. Never had she seen Commander Andy Watson to angry, never had she felt the cold edge of his tongue, the warm edge yes, the deep warm soft gentle edge yes, but not this
  “You deliberately disobeyed a direct order. Do not interfere; do not interfere with time, it is absolutely forbidden, but clearly not for you Ensign. Explain”.
  For a moment the ultra sissy Ensign paused, lost in the memory of that night in the Agreenian Palace, of the memory of her cool and calm Commander politely and nervously requesting her permission to smooth the warm, slick and tingling, Sneezoslime across her naked skin and of the effect it had on them and the sensual passion it unleashed. 
  “Sorry Commander. I couldn’t just stand by and let it happen, I couldn’t live with myself knowing that in 3 days she would have been taken, knowing what would happen to her, I saw it happen, the cocoon spreading over her, shrinking, tightening, that sound, awake ,conscious, screaming, helpless, being….2 years the time slip data said, hours to us, but  2 years for her lost in time to them, their prisoner, their play thing…I couldn’t, it would have been wrong. I mean she was right beside me, my colleague, my friend and then she was gone….I just couldn’t it would have be wrong”
   “Wrong? Wrong?”. The stunning red head snapped rising from behind his desk, “You are not here to decide right and wrong, you are here to obey orders”.
     Commander Andy Watson the mysterious ultra feminine boy from another century, most decorated member of the Star-corps, style icon, roll model, voted most desirable unobtainable life-form in 3 star sectors 4 years in a row and rumoured to have turned down 6 billion credits to be photographed naked for galactic Play-being magazine, now stood before the trembling junior officer, his freshly polished, ultra tight latex uniform glistening like oil under the white lights, as his stunningly made up eyes narrowed in disappointment.
    “ It happened Ensign, it happened. I am not happy about it either but this thing came aboard our ship, and took Ensign Sweet-touch. It took her. That is why we developed time slip tech, so as to go back to witness these moments, to gain the data we can use to free others. Witness ,observe, gather Data and not.. NOT to tamper with time. What you did created a fixed, repetitive point in time,a time loop, a scar if you like, impossible to repair”.  
     For a second Stevie did not reply, she breathed deeply, both to calm and to drink in her stunning superiors rich perfume. “I am sorry, I never thought. I just couldn’t”
   At that moment the communicator buzzed demanding attention.
 “Watson, what have you got Doc?”
“Commander, you better get down here quick”
  “Is it important doc, got a mutiny on my hands up here”
“She’s back”
“Sweet-touch, she’s back” 
“Sweet-touch? But…..but that isn’t possible, what’s her status?”
“You’d better come see”.
  “On my way Doc. Come on Ensign lets go see what chaos looks like”. Moving swiftly and with purpose the Commander slipped his trusted laser pistol into its thigh holster, before reaching behind to the chair to retrieve his uniform jacket and as the smooth Latex slipped into place the pair hurried to the exit. However, at the door to the turbo lift, the Commander paused, a moment’s look of uncertainty on his stunning features. Then reaching down his polished fingertips hovered over his holster, before with a slick perfected movement drawing a small mirror and lipgloss form its pouch. The choice between slick and ultra gloss was quick and professional and the glistening wand drawn with practised speed across moist kissable lips. Moments later, a new deep gloss, mirroring his liquid like outfit applied, the pair entered the lift.
  Standing side by side now, gazing in silence up at the elevators deck counter as it noted each of the giant starship 700 decks, Andy Watson signed “Damn it Stevie”, he said, “What you did was so stupid”
   “I know and I am truly sorry but you have to understand, It was….I had to…..and I would do it again”.
   “I know why you did it, you did it because you are so kind, but as your superior officer it places me in a difficult position”.
   “I’m really sorry and I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do”.
  “What I gotta do Ensign is punish you”
   “Yes Commander, I understand”
    “Teach you a lesson”
    “Yes Commander”
   “Teach you to obey”
The blonde Ensigns voice suddenly failed as softly, Commander Watsons hand came to rest on her latexed bottom, his agile and gentle fingertips slowly easing the tight material down and over the sensual swell of Stevies bottom, to expose naked flesh.
   “Do you understand Ensign?”
   “Ye….yes” Stevie half stammered, a treble in his voice
   “Do you understand?” 
   “Yes Commander I under…..”.
 Swiftly and before the Junior Officer could finish, she found herself with her back to the elevator wall, her commanding officer pressed tightly to her, his beautiful face, blues eyes, glistening lips inches from her own.
   “Good”, the stunning red head breathed, his breath sweet and warm caressing Stevie’s lips , “Because I am going to spank you, spank you until your bottom glows like a Sunset on Sentiam 2 and then……then I’m going to cover it in smooth buttery kisses until the tingling dies……do you understand?”
  “Oh yes Commander, I understand”.
   “Very well Ensign Beauchamp……over my knee……now!”
  With that and as if by magic, the elevators seat slid from it hiding place.

The doors the elevator opened and commander Andy Watson and a very sheepish Stevie, still red faced and desperately smoothing her skirt, entered. The doc turned and read the shock on their faces.
  “She came back Commander, dead on time, just as before”.
  Barely acknowledging the stunning grey haired chief science officer in her sleek white medical uniform, Andy Watson looked on in shock at the figure laid out on the table before him. 
“What the fuck is that on her?”  Stevie gasped.  “looks like its moving over her, like… like flowing oil”
   “An organic…”
   “Organic?”  The usually cool Commander gasped, “you mean…?”
    “A living cocoon, way more complex than the easement last time. That was purely synthetic, but this?….fuck knows….Early analysis indicates is has been grown over her and contains….”. The eloquent doctor with the soft Scottish accent paused as if calming her nerves, she breathed, “….and contains….. multiple life forms. She isn’t alone in there”
   “What is in there? Do we know yet?”
    “Nurse Chanel is working on it, all we know is Sweet-touch is being penetrated as before, triple entry and as before none violent. Vital signs indicate zero trauma, but greatly increased sexual stimulation”.
   “She’s being fucked like before”. 
   “Constantly and even more so. Whatever is in there is pretty relentless”.
   “So what about the seam”? Stevie added, her voice a tremble of revulsion. “What about the point we opened it from last time”? 
    “There isn’t  one Ensign, there can’t be one, no more than there can be a seam in your skin. This….this isn’t  a prison as before”.
     “Not a Prison?” Andy darted back, “Why use that word?” 
    “It just seems, different.” The elegant and beautiful Doctor said. “Before it was …I don’t know…applied. Look, from our accounts and Stevie’s statement Sweet-touch was wrapped in an organic material, a coating, a web if you like, yes, tight, yes highly restrictive, but still an organic. However when she returned she was encased in a liqui-Latex vinyl hybrid material, shrunken and melted on, but an applied coating and even then with physical seam at the base of the feet, but this….”.
   Commander Watson noted the look in his esteemed colleagues eyes and his stomach fluttered, not just from the data he had been given, but form a memory, a feeling, something in the Doc had always reminded him of someone, someone from a long time go, the eyes, the hair, that body on a woman her age….someone…special.  He cleared him mind. “Go on Doc….we need to know”.
  At that moment the nurse let out a gasp and turned from the table, her data pad dropping to the floor. “Oh God!”
  “Nurse?” both The Commander and Doctor spoke with matching concern.
For a moment it looked as if the woman as going to be physically sick, her hand gripping onto the side of the bed for support.
  “Nurse. Update”.
  “Larvalous Worms……They’re fucking Larvalous worms ” 
   In an instant the temperature in the room dropped, a blanket of fear and disbelief enfolding the group as they all stared in helpless terror and pity at the constantly shifting figure on the table.
    “That is not…..that is not possible…..Oh fuck no”. For a brief moment the fearless commander of the Starcorps quivered, memories flowing back, he had encountered Larvalous worms before, on Trentia 4. Two small specimens had slipped inside his jacket and had begun to excrete their oils onto his skin. When he was finally discovered, he had been in the uncontrolled rapture of ecstasy for several hours, an ecstasy from which it took him days to recover. 
  However, the look on Commander Watsons face was nothing compared to the utter disbelief the group saw on the Doctors.  “I thought it was a myth,” she said stepping back, distancing herself from the group, “A rumour, impossible, unthinkable. Larvalous breeding….When….when I was on a junior on the HMSS Rapture research ship we heard stories of Larvalous farming, not just single eggs but multiple specimen reproduction. They told of how a captive would be placed into the still viable Latex like chrysalis of a fully grown and freshly pupated Larvalous worm. They told how the sedated yet, awake and conscious subject would watch helplessly as over time the membranous cocoon would slowly heal, just as a cut on your hand would seamlessly heal, encasing them with an unbreakable living prison. A prison into which were injected the micro embryos of newly formed Larvalous worms. Then as the worms grew, they expelled oils and fluids which coated the inside of the cocoon to create one single Larvalous egg and at it’s centre the perfect source for all they needed to grow”.
  The commander swallowed hard, forcing the memories back into the deep corners of his mind. “The Larvalous excrete nutrients and fluids which, on one hand, create an uncontrolled sexual stimulation and on the other keep the captive in higher than peak perfect health. Then in return the Larvalous feed of the captives sweat and fluids. A perfect symbiotic circle”
  “So….so Lulu is ok?” Stevie ventured nervously. “I mean she, once we have freed her she will be ok, won’t she?”
  “I’d say Ensign Sweet-touch will be more than ok”. The nurse replied, with almost a touch of envy in her voice. “Larvalous nutrients are highly prized and very rich. Refined, they are used in all major cosmetic creams and rejuvenative treatments. I mean I don’t recall her having such a pert pair of boobs before do you?” 
   Following the nurses eye, the group to look as one at the blossoming breasts, that now stretched the slick cocoon into elegantly sculptured peaks, capped with hardened, aroused nipples.
  For a moment or two the realisation of what was happening within the glistening slick cocoon hang in haunting disbelief in the room, only the muffled and plaintive meowing of Ensign Sweet-touch breaking the fearful silence.
   “Do….do we have time slip data?” Andy Watson asked, deliberately breaking the spell and pushing everyone’s minds back into the room. “Do we have the time slip data?”
   “Coming up Commander”
  “And what about the tubing from last time?”
   “Unnecessary, that was synthetic, this is a totally self-contained organic entity”.
  Andy Watson took a deep breath, his fists balling in controlled anger. “Take a good look Ensign Beauchamp, this is what interfering in history does”. 
  The blonde ensign jumped at her Commanding officer, friend and lovers tone, but inside she knew it was well deserved, the guilt of her actions a sickening knot in her perfectly toned stomach.
  “Date locked”, broke in the nurse, “Time slip confirmed Commander. Registering 74 hours and counting.”
   “So nothing has changed?”  Stevie gasped, “74 hours, but how?”
   Suddenly Commander Watson went pale. Slowly he turned from the monitor. “That entity will return to that point, that location at time line in 74 hours, it is inevitable, a fixed point in time”.
   “But it can’t”. Stevie replied, “I know Sweet-touch will not be there, because I changed her leave rotation, she is on Celeda 2, ultra skiing and will be for a month. I knew there wouldn’t be a problem because the first time we had no requests, no logins, it was quiet, barely enough work for one let alone two us. I could handle all the data coming to that desk on my ….own……..why are you looking at me like that. I know it was wrong, but…….on my own? OH GOD NO!!!!”
     Stevie slumped to her knees, head spinning, heart pound, shaking, shivering, racked with a sudden shock as if shot with a radiator cannon blast.
  The doc looked quizzically to Andy, confusion on her stunning face. 
 “Stevie changed Sweet-touch’s timeline, but not the entities…….. and not his own.So this time when the entity comes, as it surely will, Stevie will be manning that desk alone and this time ……there will be no one to raise the alarm”.
  “My God!” Her face draining of colour, the Doc fumbled for the tables edge in support of her trembling legs. “You mean?
    Stevie raised his tears reddened eyes. His soft feminine voice, catching in gasped acceptance. “That’s not Sweet-touch in there….it’s……’s me”.

Hello again, just in case it is not clear, the image of Stevie to the right is the holographic image from the scanner. You probably got that already, but thought I would just clarify.



  1. Wonderful story, but just as it was become so yummy it comes to an end, there has to be a second part...Please x
    Hi Andy, a truly wonderful story by Stacy, although I do wonder just what Jane would say about turning down all that money??? Lovely art as always, kinda strange to see Andy with longer hair, it really suit him.

    Thanks for an awesome story & art, both of you and Stacy, hugs Mandy xxx

    1. Hi Mandy
      My that sounds like a confusing comment 😳🤔 . Jane turning down money??
      The story was one of mine based on Stacey’s story, just reworked with extra naughtiness.
      I like Andys longer hair, it was just to try it out and I think it works.
      Bless you for your lovely comments

    2. Not confusing at hon, well no more the normal for my brain!
      I was talking about the rumour of Andy turning down six billion credits for a one picture,he could buy a few uniforms with that!

    3. No not your tiny brain, mine.Yes of course the offer from playbeing magazine, heck with that money he could have bought a planet of designer uniforms.

  2. Thank you, Andy.
    I love the story. My imagination drift away.
    Andy's long hair makes him more feminine than ever. And poor Stevie might experience fem pleasure...forever.
    What a dream it must be to be treated by a doc and cared for by a nurse in pristine white latex outfits and matching high heels.
    kisses, Paloma

    1. Hi Paloma
      Hope you have caught up with your drifting imagination. I like Andys longer hair, all very curly in a neat ponytail and yes very feminine.
      Those white latex uniforms took as long to create as no doubt it takes the doc and nurse to wriggle into each morning.
      Thank you as ever

  3. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    There are a number of delightful touches. I particularly liked the hard decisions that Commander Watson has to confront as a Star-Corps. But you show his decisiveness admirably before he gets into the lift.
    Slick or ultra gloss: for many a painful dilemma. But his choice is clear and he addresses the important issue so that he looks absolutely perfect for when he comes to admonish Stevie. The poor feminised Ensign will willing submit to a hard spanking from his gorgeous Commander. Despite his embarrassment at having his naked bum slapped (and the excited little dribbles that he could not control and formed a little pool on the elevator floor), he will get immense pride from his cheeks glowing red like his litte red Ensign's dress. He might love Sweet-Touch and the way he could show her and fill her with his more dominant side, but to have the attention of Star-Corps' most beautiful member was so special. He would do anything for his Commander.

    The story has a delightful time Paradox. There is also the frisson that if they ever do get to free Stevie's parallel self, not only will he be perfectly loved up and willing, but Commander Watson may gain a large source of Larvalous slime for his personal use. Not that he has ever needed it though. But when he gets back to earth, he would like to see its effect on as ageless special lady who's been in suspended animation safe in a latex cocoon since the 21st Century.

    N.B. I love that we find out Stevie's full name. Is this a lovely hybrid in your devilish mind of Stephanie Beacham ( and Miss Bianca Beauchamp?

    Take care.
    Your S xxxx

    1. Hi S
      Oh I am just so happy all ten little details add to the fun. I do so love these things, they add so much to the world these character inhabit. I had hoped it might read that Andy was reaching for his blaster gun and that the lipgloss was a surprise.
      I am also glad you read the relationship between Andy and Stevie, Stevie is totally loyal to Andy, devoted to him, but loves everyone around him so much that he becomes dizzy and confused. A sweet , but one who this time has caused some real chaos and knows he must pay the price.
      Larvalous slime is a theme in a few of my pieces, it is very potent stuff, but does not have the gloss or slide of a coating Mega-slug Sneezoslime.
      As for the name, now you mention it, Ms Beacham would make a lovey addition to the crew.

  4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Wonderful artwork as always and very good story (I wish I had thought of it). Love the very sexy (and appropriate) uniforms of the medics but (and I hate to be critical) neither Andy nor Stevie look very military. Stevie, in his tiny mini-skirt, looks more as if he is going to a party than being disciplined by a senior officer and Andy does not look like a senior officer; where are his boots and gloves, his rank badges, his cape?

    Love and XXXX


    1. No insignia?, Commander bands on his wrists? epaulets dripping with gold? The single star on his lapel?. No this may not be the full caped dress uniform, but this is a uniform of action. However Stevies uniform may not be quite so practical, but then again the ship is very warm so it works for that and they both bear the starcorp insignia.
      Hi Stevie XXX You ain't being critical, you are being fun
      Thank you as ever for letting me use your name, but don't worry you will be perfectly safe, if a little over stimulated on your return

  5. It is always a pleasure to return home and find a new piece of work from you. Too late last night, and this morning I checked the comments as a further tease before digging in to the sweet spot.
    The Commander still instills his authority. Even dressed down as it were, he is the power in that room. Even with his hair down-ish and in a playful ponytail, the Ensign seems to be cuddling up for protection from Andy's firm hand.
    As for me, I am loving all of your hard work to bring us the Doctor and Nurse as background. Yes, it must take a long time to wriggle into the white suits, but imagine the pleasures of removing said suits an inch at a time. First the tops to allow cool medical air to caress the firm, supple torso. Nipples erect and at attention. The leggings might wait for the second date.

    1. Hi Lee
      Thank you as ever for your super comments and support. I think Andys day uniform is just right, clean and simple yet, sexy as hell and I am glad the ponytail of curl has gone down well.
      I imagine the Doc and Nurse will need to aid each other in their clinical dressing and undressing, purely in a professional way of course, but perhaps they spend a little too much time together in the ultra showers than really needed.
      Biggest hugs

    2. Nice little twist in at the end. You truly know how to stick it to us. I was unsure if I recalled Ensign Sweet T correctly. The blonde in the monitor confused my overheated brain. It did have a too similar resemblance to the Commanders swat toy. Perhaps Sisters? Perhaps clones? Imagine a roomful.
      Excuse me, it is time for my physical. Ladies! Doctors!

    3. Ah yes the clone division but is it right to clone twins? I mean that would be real confusing and will do you overheated brain no good at all. I think a a physical examination by the Doc may cause you more harm than good my dear friend

  6. Hmmm, Freudian sip? Are you getting Antsy?

    1. Ansty? Freudian? not sure, I do know Ansty cricket club is just up the road from me.

  7. OMG! One of the first things I ever read of yours was 'That Good Story' and now the Larvalous worms are back! I really do not envy Ensign Beauchamp. Such sweet torture.

    1. Hi Emma, Thank you for your kind message, Gosh you jumped in with both feet reading that story, one of my own Favourites. I do like to try and string all the little treads and ideas into the same universe, so maybe the worms will pop up again to cause more thrills and chills

    2. I hope I never meet them... ;-)

  8. Really love the universe around this latest instalment, very enjoyable. Their uniforms are always gorgeous. The Hologram is very well represented.

    1. Thank you Aidan, so glad you liked it all.

  9. Try as I might I can't find the earlier larvalous story...

    1. I do Apologise Kitka. Here are links to the story.

    2. Oooohh.
      My Ensign Stevie cosplay costume has arrived ;)

    3. and iv'e seen it and it's awesome

    4. Goodness! (That's a Mae West "Goodness".)

    5. ...and iv'e seen it and it's awesome

      Ah, but you've only seen the base version ;) I still need to customise it a little, adjust the collar, add the Star-Corp insignia and rank badgeetc. The Devil's in the detail.
