Friday 15 November 2019

Christeen for the weekend

Hi Everyone.
  Yes Yes Yes, it is time for the superb Christeen to grace our pages again with 4 more classy stories.
 Happy weekend


  1. Number 1 is fitting, because after checking early this morning and not seeing a Christeen post, I had a feeling that it would still come today, so I checked again... and here I am posting first, so obsessed with Christeen updates that I am!

    My favorite is number 2 though. Oddly, I'm not usually drawn to the wall art much, but that one is my favorite wall art ever. I love the setting, clothes, and open endedness of the "mystery" visitor, but I wonder if Chris isn't a bit more excited underneath that nervous pout?

    I love the realism of #4's dress and look. Very real life, very adult. Of course Chris doesn't want chair time punishment - he would have to miss his date night with the mystery visitor from panel 2! -Kim

    1. Hi Anony, Glad to hear about your obsession, and you're on point with your insight.

    2. Beautifull captions and illustrations if on ly they were about me !

  2. I think that many of us will find #1 a thrill. Basic white, contrasting with the dark hair is stunning, but white after Labor Day? It may be the highlight of a row of diamonds up the ear. A gift from an admirer? A rich kid or his father? Not too Old School. The white Loubou's at the end of long sleek legs, tightly encased to keep everything on show and out of reach.
    However, I prefer #3. He is still sweet and innocent, at least on the outside. Little Boy in Blue prepping himself for his debut. Matching accessories, of course. Healthy chest blossoming and already on display.
    Ready, willing (?) and able to use his feminine wiles.

    1. Hi Lee, Labor Day white is certainly old school and the date of this publication won't matter for very long. Re #3, I'm sure that Chris might be long past his debut.

    2. A lot could be said about them all, but #2 is also a beautifully done piece. Such a cutie all done up and prepared for his special visitor. Who could it be? All of the white is suggestive but it still comes down to his want/need. To pleasure himself and still indulge in all of his new found talents.

  3. (there... just one more stroke...) <..bat-bat..> (perfect!)

    (Is my hair still ok?)

    (what about my.... .... yeah, not too much. just right.)

    (Autie hates them but she almost never inspects my feet. I have to put a band aid here or else I'll be in excruciating pain all night. And I love these shoes too much to not wear them...)

    (... I can't believe I actually love a pair of shoes now...)

    (...whatever, this is my life. I love them.)

    (..sigh. hose or no hose... I mean it's going to get a lot cooler tonight. And if I wear the ones auntie gave me for Christmas she'll be pleased.)

    (of course, hose... it helps this thing clink around less. And I don't want to wear the bigger panties. Ok..) (... just need to roll these up real quick...)

    "CHRISTEEEEEN!!!!" (oh God, already?)


    "YOUR DATE IS HERE!" (OH. My God... she's coming up... ok, ok, turn around, shoes on, check my mirror...)

    "Are you ready, Chris? Aw, don't you look darling!"

    "Y... yes, Auntie, if you say so of course."

    "Yes, please come here."

    (Head high. Don't slouch. Small steps, sway your hips...)

    "Mmmmm... Mmm,hmm!.... ... ... chin up.... ... nice... show the teeth, Chris... ... good...."

    (Why're her eyes dropping? What's wrong with my chest?)

    "....... ....... ...."

    (WHY does she do this to me!?! What could it be!?! God please let me go out tonight....)


    (PHEW! Oh thank god, she's kneeling down and didn't say anything.... almost done....)

    "Lift it, Chris."

    "..... the La Perla pantyhose. Very nice touch, Chrissie."

    "They are a beautiful gift, Auntie, thank you."

    (... Please don't ask me to remove my shoes....)

    "And your Chastity. Chris."

    (... SIGH! Never thought I'd actually prefer her to ask about that.... )

    "... Mmm'Hmm! Very good..."

    "Quite a racy little thong for a second date Chris. Are you expecting something to happen, tonight?"

    (OHMYGOSHWHATDOISAY!!?!? OHMY... I...)"I, um..."

    "I think you like getting asked to go outside of the manor and know how to keep making it happen."

    (.... so is that a yes...!?) "Um... I like dating, yes."

    ".... very well then....."

    (.... sooooo?....?? God Auntie why do you do this!?!....)

    "Be home by 11 o'clock sharp, or you'll be in the Chair all day tomorrow!"

    (OHTHANKGOD!!!!!!!) "Yes!! I... yes, Auntie, of course. Thank you very much."

    - Panel 4, by Kim

    1. Quite an entertaining narrative Kim.

  4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Four more masterpieces!

    Where to start?

    No. 1 "Mademoiselle" boys like Chris always caused a sensation when the school put on its fashion show. Chris had been rather surprised by the outfit chosen for him but he rather liked the tight white pants and the white top and white fur wrap teamed with those rather gorgeous heels and urchin cut. Little did he realize that the apparent boyishness of the mix was totally lost in the sexy overall look which he effortlessly produced. No wonder Billy's leather pants were tented when he had handed Chris into the limo!

    More to come.

    Love and XXXX


  5. #1 is a boyish cut Stevie, but yes, he's totally feminine and sexy otherwise.

  6. 'Girly chair time' doesn't sound much of a punishment... rather something devoutly to be wished.

    1. Hi Kitka, Of course his real punishment is being forced to live as a girl.

  7. Hi, pic 3 reminds me of an outfit I used to wear years ago, looks so cute on Chris. #
    If only I had been chauffeur driven to the parties too, it would have really made my weekends.
    Chris shouldn't be worried about the "punishment chair" in pic 4, it could always be arranged so he spends a few hours in the birdcage that has just been placed on the front lawn!
    Lovely pictures as always,many thanks. Hugs Mandy xxx

    1. Hi Mandy, I do have a few cage pics lying about that I'm thinking might be suitable for a Christeen pic. Thanks for reminding me.

  8. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    No, 2 Chris' Aunt and his Nannies had spent hours preparing Chris for his "Special" evening. He had been bathed, perfumed and, at one point, no less than 6 Nannies had been attending to him; one for each foot doing his toe nails, one for each hand, one doing his hair and one doing his exquisite make-up. His luscious lip-stick, finger and toe nails were a perfect match. As always, he had marvelled how his sheer stockings slid beautifully up his smooth, long legs, lengthened even further by almost impossible stiletto heels, like the rest of his outfit in virginal, gleaming white. His underwear was beautiful, matching and very expensive; bra, tiny panties, suspender belt all in the finest virginal white silk with exquisite hand-finished lace trimming. Of course, his chastity was the tightest imaginable and his anal intruder was buzzing away as always to remind him where the seat of pleasure lay for him from now on. His hair was sexily down and tied with with a sweet white silk ribbon; his jewellery was discreet but expensive. He had been expecting a gown to go on top of these beautiful undies even though one of his Nannies had commented that "they were so pretty on him that it was a shame to hide them". To his surprise, his Aunt had declared that he was going to greet his special visitor with only a sweet lace-trimmed negligee over his underwear and that he was going to receive his visitor in his perfumed and feminine boudoir! So, here he was, anxiously awaiting his visitor. Who could it be? Perhaps the football captain, Ricky, stripped to the waist to show off his splendid physique, in tight white leather pants, cut to show off his enormous member, tucked into high shiny, black leather boots, matching gloves, golden spurs on the boots and a coiled whip fastened to his jewelled belt. Or, perhaps, Billy top-to-toe in black leather biker gear. "Stop it", he told himself, he wasn't gay, was he? But who could it be? At that moment he heard his Aunt outside the door, saying "Good evening, Chris is waiting for you, he has spent literally hours making himself pretty for you and I'm sure you will like what you see, he is a positive heavenly vision" Who could it be?

    Hope you enjoy

    Love and XXXX


    1. Hello again Stevie, My captions are brief but follow your thinking, at least until his visitor is described. I love leaving it a mystery as you suggest 'Who could it be?'.

  9. I love all 4 pictures, they and Chris fabulous, very enjoyable.

    1: I thought Aunty wouldn’t allow Chris wear pants ever, especially outside. Being totally sexy and feminine otherwise helps. I’d be in favor of seeing him papped again.

    2: Chris expertly manages to look anxious and pretty at the same time. Love the white bow in his hair to go with the all white attire. Nice butt in the background picture.

    3: Love his duck egg blue hose and heels. Every head will turn when they see a pretty feminine boy.

    4: Chris is very smart ensuring he doesn’t end up in girly chair punishment but he does look sweet as imagined. He has mastered brilliant makeup skills while laying on bed. Can just make out his pert boobs. Nice slip and just out of shot I like his shiny footwear.

    1. Hi Aidan, Chris isn't usually wearing pants but my base starter pic was striking. Had to look up 'papped'.

  10. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    NO. 3 Chris' Aunt was very pleased with the look she had created with Chris for the party. The advanced classes at Mademoiselle's were really paying off. That skimpy low-cut backless top beautifully showed off his new implants and she could imagine him flashing his tiny panties and lace-trimmed stocking tops as that short flirty skirt whirled around while dancing. Having matching stockings and heels really lengthened his already long, slender legs. His gorgeous hair and exquisite make-up would make him a magnet for all the handsome young men she knew were coming. No, there was no way she could possibly remove his chastity but she would turn up the anal intruder to full strength!

    Love and XXXX


    1. I could not agree more, Ms. Stevie. It almost makes me wish that I were a teenager again, almost.

  11. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    No.4 It is a strict rule at Mademoiselle's (and one keenly enforced by Chris' Aunt) that all the boys must be "sissy perfection" from head-to-toe 24/7, so when Chris does have some downtime there is no question of old jeans/T-shirt/sneakers/no make-up. On this day we find Chris in a very low-cut, backless short and tight LBD and matching heels. Chris has realized that this little number really shows off his new implants as well as emphasising an extremely pert little bottom. The boys are encouraged to do their own make-up but he might weaken and ask his Nanny to refresh it for him, surely his Aunt would not mind that? He is rather proud of the picture above the bed showing him relaxing in front of the fire, enjoying a glass of wine, with only a diaphanous silk sheet protecting his modesty; he remembers that he was severely in chastity and his anal intruder was turned up to full strength. He wants to avoid girly chair time where he has to sit still for hours on end although the ornate girly gowns are rather nice but the corseting is something else. It is a hard life but he is getting to the point where he can hardly remember not having several changes of outfit every day, each with its own make-up styles, heels, accessories etc.

    Love and XXXX


  12. My thoughts are quite similar Stevie. Thank you.

    1. Cristeen,

      I really enjoy describing my little scenarios for Chris based on your lovely artwork, I hope you don't mind. I know it is very presumptious of me but is there any chance ever of seeing Chris in a pair of thigh-high boots? I am sure he would look lovely.

      Love and XXXX


  13. Hi Stevie, Except for bows and chokers I don't usually add articles of clothing to pics of women that I use. I'll keep an eye out for a suitable thigh high dressed woman that could become Chris.

  14. Such lovely stories and fantasies with beautifull images as well drives me wild with desire .xx

    1. Thanks for your encouraging compliments Sanhedrin.

  15. Christeen, I love your art and attention to detail. Your stories and images are the best. I've followed your work for years and it's nice to see Andi getting older, developing a more feminine body, and starting to have naughty thoughts.

    Do you publish anywhere else ?

    1. Hello RJM you seem to have a fuzzy head. Christeens youug man is the sweet Chris, Andy belongs to me. Sometimes people think we are one and the same but we are not.
      Are we Christeen
