Friday 31 May 2019

All According to Plan; Chapter 5

Hi Everyone
Hope your weekend is going well and to make it even better here is Chapter 5 of  Mandy Sally Heart's super story.
 It follows part 4 below

All According to Plan
Mandy Sally Heart

Chapter five.
As Jane made her way home she considered differing proposals of how to raise the subject of Andy entering the competition mainly flirting with notion of merely being open with him, precisely as she has always had been with any sizable projects that may involve her nephew.
It was only after Jane let herself in that she actually came to a decision.
Careful not to make too much noise Jane closed the door and placed her packages on the Oak hallway table before she followed the cacophony coming from the main receiving room, incensed at seeing Andy resting on the white leather sofa watching some football game with the surround sound turned up so high he could not hear Jane moving around.
Encouragingly, Jane noticed, he was still wearing his entire lilac uniform.
An infuriated Jane left the room and went to check on the work he might of carried out, most of what she could first see was fine but then Jane went into the rear fully glazed indoor garden and was aghast at seeing the place was still a mess, indeed even the plants had not been watered not to mention the inside windows had failed to acquire his touch. Jane pivoted in pure anger and not caring that he was still in the prettiest maids dress she could imagine was about to instantaneously throw the boy out, then after just two steps she paused and murmured to herself. “That’s a better idea.”
Taking herself up to the bedroom Andy was using Jane began moving all his clothes into one of the spare bedrooms. It took a few trips nevertheless with the blasting volume from the television Andy could not hear her shoes tapping tunefully across the floor.
After leaving the last pile on the unused bed Jane locked the spare room door and placed the key into her small safe.
Feeling minimally calmer as she entered the lounge again, Andy was certainly so engrossed with the match he did not notice when Jane picked up the remote from the arm of the sofa next to him and switched the set off.
Confused at first Andy just blindly reach for the remote before hearing the swift tapping of Janes’ perfect long ruby red nails on the back of the controller, he turned to see his fuming aunt glaring down at him. “Well?” Janes’ insistent voice questioned.
Had Andy turned into a goldfish? The boy just gawked up at his aunt with his mouth opening and closing as he tried to explain that he thought she would be back much later but somehow the bit between his brain and tongue was not last he let out a miserable squeak. “Sorry.”
Taking a deep semi calming breath while watching Andy cringe before her, it was not as pleasing to Jane might of imagined, she demanded. “You are my maid, your only saving grace is that you still adequately dressed as one, why haven't you finished all your chores, Andrew Watson?”
At last Andy stood in his teetering heels. “Please auntie Jane, I am sorry. My legs ached and I only meant to watch while I had a sandwich.”
Jane noticed the empty plate and half a cup of tea, she checked the temperature. “This is cold, you have been wasting time, Andrew.”
With his teeth almost chattering from shaking so badly Andy stood before her and bowed his twitching head. “Please auntie, I’m sorry, I will do all the chores you wish, please let me stay with you?”
Not caring that her sensitivity friend was so close to tears, Jane recalled Fionas’ words and informed Andy. “Oh, you’re going to repay my kindness, Andrew Watson, believe me. From now you better learn that you are my maid and you must obey me.” Jane gestured for Andy to remove the plate. “And clean all the windows in the sunroom, I have guest visiting tomorrow.”
With tears leaking from his eyes Andy immediately scuttled off leaving only the sound of his sharp heels clacking on the hardwood floor of the hallway, Jane gave a dirty grin; this was one senorio she had not thought of during her return journey.
Waiting until she felt more under control before she picked up the phone and searched through the recorded numbers to leave a message on the answer machine at the college Andy attended, explaining how he was ill and would be unable to partake in his lessons this coming week informing them she would keep in touch.
The second number Jane called was Fiona, hoping she was able to answer. “Hello again, Fiona.” Jane said after the second ring.
It was not the words that made Fiona ask. “Jane, is everything all right?”
Outlining what she had found upon arriving before making a request. “Could you call around for coffee tomorrow afternoon? You can see my maid too.” Baffled as servants were not what well to do ladies worried about; still Fiona agreed and told Jane that she would be free around two.
Finishing her phone calls Jane collected her purchases and made her way towards the kitchen, partly to be closer to the glassed room so allowing her to check if Andy was working and in part to allow time to finish quelling her distressed mind by having a cup of herbal tea.
Believing enough time had passed she went to verify if Andy was still carrying out her demands.
Seeing her charge outside stunned Jane at first, nonetheless she noticed the interior had all been properly cleaned and he was still working away in the sunshine, as Jane enjoyed the view Andy was giving Lady Jane wondered why she had totally lost her cool. The view was magnificent and well worth his lazing around to display himself to her, Jane decided as a course of excitement raced through her while she enjoyed the unstressed sensual movements of his girlish body, observing the way the sunlight cascaded along the fluid like glistening latex enveloping his upper body, imaging she could hear the gratifying squeaking of the warm smooth flowing latex with every graceful motion as a wavelike disturbance of radiating glints flattered his two full moons as he often bent to clean the lower glass, turning the globes into flashes of colored sunlight.
Fixing a stern look on her face Jane went and tapped on the window and waved Andy to follow her.
With his head bowed in total surrender to his predicament Andy found his aunt in the kitchen, hearing him enter Jane scowled. “You must curtsy as you are entering a room I am in.” As Andy was attempting a small curtsy Jane basked in her easy control over him but intended to reveal to her nephew how upset she still was. “Good, now sit down Andrew.”
As Andy looked into her green eyes Jane deeply glowered in his direction before continuing. “I have phoned your college to say you are too ill to attend next week, I will be training you to be my maid, one that will follow my demands fully and if you do not measure up you can leave.” Andys’ shocked blue eyes were about to grow wider. “I have removed all your clothes from your room, Andrew Watson, including your new trouser suit so all you have is that lovely sticky uniform until I say you may wear something different.” Feeling Andy appreciated just how dreadfully hurt she had been to find him lolling around Jane softened her unforgiving stare. “Andy, we have known eachother since you were born, almost half of my life, and you have never, ever disappointed me like this before.
“You know I love you as if you were my own...well, child, I have always adored the way you are such a kind, overly sensitive, exquisite if shy child and I desire to teach you to show your true beauty. So you will do as say.”
Still overwhelmed by what he heard and everything that had been happening to him the past two days, Andy looked at his aunt and whispered. “Yes, auntie Jane.”
“Perfect,” Seeing her plans being implemented an exceedingly ecstatic Jane gave Andy a loving smile as a clammy shiver prickled between her legs, “I bought you some gorgeous new nightwear while I was out and you will wear it in bed, Andy.
“You also have your own cosmetics and I insist you to learn how to apply it.” Jane handed the carries to her new maid. “We will start on a page from now, so see if you can fix your tear smudged face as you place these neatly in your room and then I think as a way of reimbursing your long lunch break you can do all the downstairs windows while you’re outside.”
Giving how clammy the sunroom was Andy found that wearing a short latex dress on an early winter afternoon was very refreshing and unquestioningly gave a polite nod to the extended chores before taking a look inside the bags and risked more punishment by slipping his fingers over one of the nightdresses. “They are very slinky, auntie. Thank you.”
Receiving a genuinely loving smile as way of a reply Andy stood and gave a short curtsy before leaving.


  1. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    First to comment! The tension is building up slowly but very nicely. How will Andy react to his new "intimates"? What will Fiona's visit bring tomorrow?

    Love and XXX


    1. Hi Stevie. You're very naughty asking for spoilers😁 you will have to wait until the lovely Andy Latex is kind enough to show you.
      Hugs Mandy Sweet Heart xxx

  2. One step closer. Little does he realize what adventures await. If he now has only one uniform to wear, does he know how to clean the inside? Especially with all of his sweating.
    I wonder what chore will be interrupted tomorrow when he is told to answer the door. Promptly at two, or will Fiona be fashionable early.
    Well written as always, Ms. Heart.

    1. Hi Lee. Do you really think Lady Jane would allow Andy to wear a yucky dress to do all his chores?
      You will have to wait for the next chapter to find out if Fiona turns up on time..sorry.
      Thank you so much for your applause, hope you & everyone else enjoys the last two chapters.
      Hugs Mandy Sweet Heart xxx

    2. Yes, I am the one that thinks that Lady Jane has an evil streak deep down. Perhaps she has never had her own daughter to train and spoil. Or has she?
      Did I really read "all you have is that lovely sticky uniform until I say you may wear something different" or does it mean something different in 'Merican English. I am so easily confused at times, like this early in the morning.
      Like . . . did "the last two chapters" mean the last two you submitted or that there are only two chapters left and all will be revealed? I do hope that your tangent never ends, but

    3. Hi, yes you're right on both bits...
      The first, Lady Jane was threatening Andy that if he wished to do anything silly like run away he would be wearing the sweet little dress as the rest of his clothing had been hidden away.
      There is only 2 more chapters to this story, normally when I start writing I only have a tiny idea in my head and just let it unfold from there, but for this one I was "working" towards the piece of art (by Andy) I had come across & in the comments someone had asked for the back story, I just thought it would be fun playing with the idea..Hope that helps.
      Although I am trying to expand some parts of the story, unfortunately it's finding the time & the feel for it.
      As for Lady Jane having any daughters, I'm sorry but I've no idea maybe Andy will tell us. xxx

  3. I apologise for posting here, but I can't see any method of contacting you directly. I am an enthusiast for feminising young men, and I have a couple of questions. Andy has beautiful breasts, but I can't see how he acquired them? Also, is Andy still a virgin? I suspect he is.

    1. Hello Liz
      No need to apologise, feel free t ask in the comments or via my Email
      In some of my art you are right Andy has little breasts, it was purely a style I was drawing in at the time. In other pieces of my later art, Andy appears to have breasts and these are created by quality outfit design, squeezing his flesh up and over and expert use of make up to create that illusion of curves.
      Yes Andy is a virgin, though his little bottom does host a vibrating toy on occasion
      Thank you for your kind message
      Big hugs

  4. Well I must say this is a super story and the reason I love it apart from the narrative is that you have captured Janes love for her nephew and the switch she makes when being stern with him.
    It is a delight

  5. Aw, thank you Ms Latex, you are so sweet for displaying it on your lovely blog.
    Hope you had a fun weekend, hugs xxx

  6. Can't wait until the next part darling. I *adored* the bit wear she took his clothes and stored them safely out of reach.

    1. Thank you Andy X, if only ANdy had listened to his aunt she wouldn't have been so angry & might have allowed him to see the end of the game.
      Hugs Mandy xx

  7. What does Andy do while he's not cleaning the house? Does Queen Jane control this kind of activity as well? Things like embroidery, reading books and magazines for women, starting to change vocabulary, playing with Aunt Jane's nieces, playing doll,

    1. The following chapters have some of the answers in this timeline.
