Sunday 19 May 2019

All According to Plan, Chapter 4

Hi Everyone
Hope your weekend is going well and to make it even better here is Chapter 4 of  Mandy Sally Heart's super story.
 It follows part 3 below

All According to Plan
Mandy Sally Heart

Chapter Four.
Andy was finishing his petit dejeuner when he appealingly enquired. “Do I really have to clean the entire house, aunt Jane?”
Jane was starting to appreciated that just like most of yesterday, while her nephew had been in her rooms it was easy to observed how uninhibited he behaved and as Jane confirmed this to herself she became aware that no one could be not sufficiently taken in by all the complaining regarding how he felt about being her weekend housemaid his whimpering regarding having to wear the attire she had selected or even the sulky protesting about doing the chores. Jane cautiously stiffened her face. “Yes, as I have no other maid of course you do. You will….” In her fully refined cultured voice Jane went on to explain everything she wished Andy to do, including what to say if anyone should call. Jane ultimately reasoned as she gazed at him walking with such feminine grace to the sink and slip on the pink fluffy cuffed kitchen gloves how simple it was recognising that his bitching was only because Andy believed boys should whine about such situations and this was, Jane suspected, all thanks to the way his two brothers unsympathetically teased her poor Andy about how his graceful mannerisms looked wrong to them.
Feeling everything was as she wished, including the satisfaction of taking in the delightful entertainment of Andy beginning his first weekend as her maid by cheerfully swaying his tush before her, Jane reluctantly left him and went to her small office to embark on the work she put off for the more important imperative of shopping with her nephew yesterday.
Mostly from the harmonical clipping of his shoes Jane knew that Andy was carrying out her instructions. Although she had felt an unexpected mingy pang of disquiet from ordering her sensitive nephew and friend to be her maid, fortunately the way she adored seeing him attractively dressed in such a skimpy latex dress conveniently vanquished any displeasure and well, he had to learn I am in charge she decided.
Around ten O’clock and hearing Andy working away on the ground floor Jane entered her rooms and changed into something more casual for a shopping trip before cursorily reviewing his work.
Staring at her new maid quietly singing to himself whilst using the feather duster Jane lightly tapped the toe of her black seven inch patented stiletto as she was standing just inside of the smaller reception room and admiring Andys’ cute little jiggling tush before sighing and calling out. “Maid!”
The feminised boy tottered as he spun on the five inch spiked heels and absently gave a slight curtsy while enjoying the excitement from the slippery smooth moist uniform slithering sensuously over his skin. “Yes, ma’am.” Andy squealed in surprise and gawked at her suggestive vesture, a cream semi see through chiffon blouse, unbuttoned to reveal more of her cleavage than normal but his eyes lingered on the intensely tight radiant black PVC jeans that he really adored to see her in and more than once dreamed of trying on himself.
Unable to control her broad grin at his submissive pizzazz she informed him. “I’m going out to meet Fiona for lunch. As she is going to America soon I might be late back, so make yourself some lunch later.
“When I return I want see my home perfectly cleaned, including the inside windows.” Jane left him to carry on with the rest of the chores without waiting to see if Andy would perform a small curtsy.
Having left her car in her reserved central London parking place Jane proceeded down the same walkway as the day before, confident as ever as she was receiving considerably long attentive ogles.
Finding only very light weekend traffic Jane knew that she was way too early to meet her friend and entered ‘Slick Cosmetics’. As always with this wonderful retail establishment Jane was welcomed by a sales supporter. “May I help you, Mam?” The sales girl enquired.
Smiling pleasantly Jane explained her wishes. “Yes, I’m looking for a gift for my niece, I hope you can help. I’m after an entire makeup package for an eighteen year old, her skin tone is just a shade lighter than mine and she loves pink of course.”
Selecting a rosy pink nail varnish first they went on to browse there range of cosmetics and other essentials before Jane found herself helplessly adding suitably charming floral scented perfume for her young maid along with a few fragrant body washes Andy would now be needing. “Your niece is a very lucky girl to have such a charming aunt.” The girl stated to Jane.
Checking her watch, Jane thanked the assistants.
Finding that selecting all that she needed had not taken as long as she had imagined and buying gifts for her niece, Andy, had been so much fun for her that Jane decided to find new nightwear too.
Lady Jane did vaguely consider returning to Honour to see what they had in latex but opted for a several pallid silklike satiny, short chemise nightdresses, panties and robes from Harmony. As she left the intimates outlet Jane examined her watch again and discovered she had just the time to make it to meet Fiona as agreed.
Elegantly striding past the window Jane spotted Fiona had, as always the most desirable table of the eatery and went straight in her direction after entering. Only just having the time to place the bags on the chair before they hugged each other in their typical greeting.
“So lovely to see you, Jane, you look wonderful as always. Been buying yourself naughty treats again I see.”
“Oh no,” Jane chripped passing on her complements too, “These are for Andy.”
Not that impressed Fiona remarked. “You spoil that child, Jane, he’s not even your nephew. I thought you said he had already skipped on the agreement of paying you a sum to stay at your villa? Even if you are giving the money to charity he should grow up, you are much too kind.”
Having trusted Fiona for so long Jane confessed. “You should see what I have Andy doing to repay me, Fiona.” Her friend gazed at her questionably. “He’s my maid, doing all the chores and in such a cute little number too, or at least he better be. But that is not what I wanted to tell you,” Jane went on to explain to Fiona just how he was dressed also adding what he was attired in when they went shopping, “and he looks so beautiful, such gorgeous long legs,” not really needing the privacy Jane leaned closer to whisper her, “at times he fights me, however deep down I can tell Andy just loves to be groomed as a girl, all his mannerisms are so feminine. You really should have seen him yesterday, Fiona, he was totally flirting with the waiter too.”
Fiona gasped. “A sissy! Andy?”
Jane almost gasped at how her friend had phrased it but managed. “Yes.”
Fiona waved her fingers in front of her face as if she cooling herself down. “Wow, I always thought he dreamed of being with you. Like, wow! Have I got that boy wrong?”
The two stared at each other as if they were attempting to sort out Andys’ emotions before Jane suddenly asked what her friend had been doing. “As you know I have been having problems finding the right person to appear on my magazine, Cover-Girl. It’s such a drudgery, we have this problem every year or so and the chore has been taking up so much of my time this year that’s why I haven't had time for much else, Jane.
“We are holding a pageant in America, that should help though, as there is a prize of around thirty thousand pounds so we hope it might bring out the right person. I really hope it does.”
Hearing her friend let out a sigh Jane considered and then asked. “Maybe Andy could enter? He really looks so lovely, I’m almost jealous.”
Fiona could not believe her ears. “A boy! I’m not sure. If you think he could pass as a girl maybe Andy could enter the preliminary stages as a way of further punishing him, they’re not filmed so if you’re just playing or simply wrong Jane, my magazine won’t look foolish.”
Miraculously a very apologetic waitress attended them. “I am so sorry to keep you waiting ladies, it is not an excuse but a few staff haven't turned up today. All drinks are complimentary as a way of an apology. My name is Mandy, how may I help you?”
As the two ladies placed their requests Jane glanced up at the fatigued girl. “No rush we have lots to discuss.”
Jane and Fiona spent the next two hours chatting about how they could ensnare Andy to enter the contest intermingling talk about their past and enjoying the wonderful meal that deserved the large tip they left.
It was only when they were saying their goodbyes that Fiona sternly informed Jane. “I know how much you care about Andy, but if you are just using me to punish him I will never forgive you, honey.” Fiona giggled and gave Jane a last hug.

To Be continued


  1. I would one day see Andy being feminized by Aunt Jane's spoiled niece! He serving tea to her and her friends playing dolls being an obedient maid and taking the risk of having her pictures exposed to friends

    1. Hi Anon yes as Mandy says, we would love to hear that story, sounds fun

  2. Nice idea Anonymous, although this story is the backstory, albeit in my own words, to a piece of lovely art by Andy & using some of his other art/words to create the backdrop. Would love to read your story though.
    Mandy Sweet Heart xxx

    1. I must find and re-post that art, but only after the story has finished.
      Spoilers don't you know

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, glad you're enjoying the story.
      Mandy xx

    2. Wait till you read the story S has created

    3. Are you teasing us again, Andy?
      You know that is very naughty.

    4. I am a tease, yes I know He!He!He! and it gets me into all sorts of trouble

  4. Punishment ? Never. It seems to me that power is in play. What Lady Jane can get her "Niece" to do. It may take more than a few hints and demands to steer him towards acceptance.
    Baby steps
    . . . and did I miss something? He is not truly her Nephew? A reveal that I must have forgotten from long ago.
    Thank you for the beautiful addition.Not too long and I find myself wondering how Andy will be found upon her return. Perhaps he has found someone else to flirt with to keep his disguise up. Too scared to be found out.

    1. Mandy is right Lee, there has been a little stretching of my story, but that is totally OK, so if a few things don't tally, it ain't you going bonkers

  5. Hi Lee.
    For this story I may have used a fair bit of licence to make it work & it's easier for me to sometimes😁.
    As for punishment, sometimes mind games work better than whips, we will just have to see how naughty Andy has been.
    Hugs Mandy Sweet Heart xx

  6. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    I enjoyed this sweet and gentle piece, Andy settling into his new role and, naturally, loving his beautiful new latex uniform. Obviously he is going to be a great beauty in the upcoming contest and it would be lovely to see a picture of him enjoying the "intimates" which Aunt Jane has bought for him from Harmony

    1. Thank you Stevie, writing Andy & Lady Jane story has to be kept as gentle otherwise it ruin the elegance Andy Latex has already built up.
      We will have to be very nice to Andy & ask him to come up with some pictures of the "intimates" as I'm really not an artist.
      Hugs Mandy Sweet Heart xxx
