Monday 29 October 2018

New Art: Andy's Happy Halloween

Hi Everyone
   New art time and this time I have actually hit the holiday on the head, or very nearly. I could have waited until the 31st but that would have been silly. Besides it gives my lovely friends a chance to see it before then.
  As promised we return to Andy's normal, everyday and eternally embarrassing life with his loving and beloved Aunt Jane and as Halloween is a time for dressing up and all the local boys and girls are out trick or treating, it gives Aunt Jane the excuse (not that she needs one) to show off her sweetly compliant Nephew to the rest of the neighborhood. Naturally Aunt Jane became the wicked Witch, and what kind of witch would not be accompanied by her loyal black cat.
   I see this fitting in to the bigger story at an early point.Whilst he is permanently feminised at home, she is still teasing Andy out and only revealing him to other people when there is a good excuse such as this, leaving his friends still unsure as to what is going on.
 I must admit to being rather proud of Andy's make up, I really wanted to go to town and paint his pretty face in a sexy feline way as opposed to just applying a mask.I think I got it good.
  Also you might note this is a bit of a crossover, mixing Andy's, life in a quiet Sussex town with the atmosphere of a classic American Trick or Treat evening, but what the heck it all works and for those away from Britain's shores, Sussex is the county on the south coast of England where I live.
  Enough chit chat, hope you like it.
Big Hugs


  1. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    First to comment! Perfection. Not only is Andy beautiful (and very embarrassed) in his sexy Halloween costume but its ticks all my boxes. Thigh boots, long gloves, bare shoulders (beautifully made-up). Aunt Jane is looking good as well

    Love and XXXXX


    1. More from Sweet Sissy Stevie

      Another thought. It can get cold at Halloween so a long black shiny latex cape would help to keep Andy warm.


    2. Well done Stevie, quick off the mark. I am so glad it ticks all your boxes my friend, but you need not worry about Andy getting cold, because if you look,Andy is fully covered from that cute bell collar down to his toes in a single piece black and transparent Latex catsuit. Nice and tight, nice and warm

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. But I'm boy not girl reply msg me earlier

    5. You make me Andy I'm very interested

  2. Puuurrrfect Costume

    Regards Shadoman

  3. Why am I surprised that Lady Jane can kick that dress as well as Andrew in his Kitten costume. Though I wonder there the end of the broom handle is ending up. perhaps an "obstacle" illusion?
    Her little Nephew is truly a scared kitty having just side stepped his friend who is now totally baffled and in a bit of discomfort. Andrew himself must be also uncomfortable with the tight confines of his privates. His embarrassment could be intensified by his Aunts refusal to allow him to fill his blossoming breasts with his cutlets. Quite flat chested for an otherwise shapely young Lady.
    Oh what he must endure.

    1. Hi Lee XXX and thank you.
      Don't worry about the broom stick it ends before it ever goes near where your naughty mind imagines.
      Yes our Kitty is a very scaredy cat after passing his friends and as for being flat chested, I just love leaving his clearly boyish figure on show, it just adds to his embarrassment.

    2. You Devilish little minx.

    3. No No No that was 2016

    4. Oopsie, I forgot, my bad.
      Who could forget him encased in red and plugged for compliance?
      Then there was Aunt Anne, what happened to her? Did she start on her own protege?
      But I was thinking of you as the little Minx. Have you chosen your costume yet? Time has almost run out.

    5. Oh you are bad sweetie, I won't be trick or treating tonight. To be honest all I want after these last few days is sleep, Retail has decided it is time for Christmas already.
      Aunt Anne, hmmm i'll have to look her up an find out what she is up to.

  4. Hopefully Andrew's tail has been turned up to at least seven this year :)


    1. Hi Kitka, I think anything above 4 or 5 would be too much for walking in public, Jane wouldn’t want her Nephew making himself all sticky. However back home curled up at her feet , that would be a very different thing, a very different and sticky thing indeed.

    2. I'm afraid Auntie has in fact turned off Andy's tail. Although it was already set low, she fortunately spotted William as they approached. She could guess her nephew's response when seeing his friend, knowing too well the thought's that might race through his mind. Even so, and well tucked as he was, her shapely feline couldn't avoid a rather distressing bulge when he saw William in his Harry Potter outfit. She noticed that as they walked away, Andy was having a little play with his tail and give it a stroke and twirl: he'd seen enough of the old Adam West Batman shows to know how enticing Eartha Kitt made the look (and it was better that he didn't even think about Michelle Pfeiffer). Aunt Jane loved how her shy Andy was also a becoming a bit of a minx. She was also sure though that besides the little show, he was giving his tail some reassuring tugs and giving himself a little of the stimulation that he always complained about ('moaned about' might be a better but he moaned in so many delightful and very different ways) but now secretly craved.

      As she suggested a Hermione costume for the weekend dance, she felt Andy's hand tighten in hers. It was the response she expected. She could even feel his pulse quicken through his latex opera glove and knew that with every beat of his heart he was yearning to say in public, "Please, Auntie. Please, Auntie. Let me be Hermione. Please. Please let me go as Emma, sorry Hermione."

      Ah well, when they got home later and she had her pussy curled up in his basket beside her bed, they could talk about it. Aunt Jane giggled to herself. Slowly she'd turn up his tail to 3 or 4 until he confessed his desire. He wouldn't know whether he wanted it higher or lower but given a prolonged afternoon and evening of stickiness and frustration, she was certain his preference would be higher while he was outwardly pleading with her for it to be lower. Only when she got his truthful admission that he wanted to go as Hermione would she give him respite. Even then, she'd have the extra frisson of making Andy give William a late night telephone call and get her puss to invite William to the dance saying that they could both go as Hogwarts characters provede William went in his Harry Potter outfit. So what if William chose to think that his friend would be going as Ron Weasley. It would be a nice surprise for them both. (Aunt Jane was already thinking of the latex underwear and rubber blouse, that she'd get Hermione to wear beneath her gingham skirt and wizarding robe. And it would be nice to see Hermione in 6" heels. Hermione would be a very fitting competitor to any Cho Chang or Ginny Weasley that tried to vie for Harry (or William's) attention.

      When Andy was on the phone and talking to William, she'd turn pussy's tail to 7. It would be fun hearing Andy have the conversation while squirming. She looked forward to seeing the little tell-tale trail of slime that would emerge safely contained inside his transparent catsuit. Only when he'd finished the call would she allow him respite. Then he could finally get out of the tight latex and have a shower. When he was dry, powdered and perfumed she'd have to think carefully whether he was spending the night in his basket or whether pussy would be allowed in her bed. She knew she wouldn't need to think long.

      Great work. xxx

    3. Oh my God S. That is so perfectly naughty, I love love love it. You are rotten I now have to illustrate it, I am inspired and know exactly how to stage and present it. All I need is........TIME!!!!!!!
      I'll contact you on twitter message very soon to thank you in person.
      I read this on my phone whilst on the train to Southampton and it nearly got embarrassing, slight shift in my seating comfort was required.

  5. Also living on the Sussex coast I can confirm that we see this sort of thing all the time. Admittedly most of the trannies in my town have beards, but hey ho you can't expect to have it all. See what you mean about the make-up, definitely better than a mask. Passing Andy looking like this would have walking into a lamp-post. Great piece.

    Birdie XX

    1. Birdie Birdie XXXX
      Sussex tweets.
      Thank you, I do like the make up, the shading and everything. If I had not been so tired I might have chosen that look for my Halloween outfit and yes I could carry it off. XXX
      Be careful of those lamposts

  6. sarah wellshunter31 October 2018 at 20:22

    Simply wonderful! What a lucky boy! And boys !!

    1. Thank you Sarah, everyone needs a little luck

  7. I can't remember the name of the gorgeous platinum blonde character in the background. She is usually one of Andy's chief tormentors isn't she?

    1. Ah you have good eyes, however this is a secret character, Yes she looks familiar, but we have not met her before.

  8. Hi dove! Oh this is such a delightful treat (or trick?); your incredible artistic talent once again depicted an embarrassing (for sweet Andy), but so exciting (for us all), situation just beautifully! Aunt Jane is magnificent as a stunning Wicked Witch (perfect choice) and our sweet Andy...ummmm, meow....purrrr!
    Your kitty Amber

    1. Meow meow Kitty
      Thank you thank you for such sweet comments.
      I thought you would like my feline Andy, not as purrrrfect as you my Kitty but no one could be.

  9. 'Sweetly compliant.'
    Isn't that just the perfect phrase?

    1. Hello Unknown
      Yes it is a favourite and sums Andys nature up in one phrase.

  10. Hi I like this costume and make me Andy that rype

  11. But please make me that situation Andy
    I want to wearing this rubber costume
