Thursday 25 October 2018

Christeen at the Weekend

Hi Everyone
It's the weekend and what better way to relax than with some super new art  from Christeen


  1. Image number 1 was to "DIE FOR" I just loved the expression along with the white thigh highs and under garments and that slight little pantie bulge.. Awesome.. More like this when you can

    Regards Comic Artist Shadoman

  2. I refuse to believe I missed this set. My computer must be testing me.
    I love the first as well. he does seem quite comfortable in this outfit, and with that lovely Lady behind and in close proximity he has not any excitement showing. More is the shame and his surrender to the inevitable.
    However, I truly loved the second. I think it is a perfect length and would love to have him at my side at a museum or art opening. His hair is perfectly Retro and frames his face beautifully. The usual choker is nice, but he needs a pendant hanging between his healthy breasts. To remind him of his place as it jostles about. As it he needs any help drawing attention to their perfection.

    1. Again, they are all wonderful.
      As for #3, it is a pleasure to see him back with reddish hair. It suites his complexion, or is it the make-up? Anywho, he is back to demure and virginal white as he entices most of the male passersby and not too few female. The hands up to gently cover his blossoming attributes only add to the allure. he is well trained. Perhaps when he finally graduates his handlers will send him off to spy school.

    2. It took a while to finish up, but #4 is a series of pleasures all its own. Where is the listing for that delivery service? Each is a delight all by herself/himself(?). I do believe Chris is a bit overdressed compared to his two distractions. Considering his boots I cannot wait for the unveiling as the coat is opened and slid off hos soft shoulders. Just what part does the dog play? Just more cute eye candy? As if it matters.
      Thanks again.

  3. Love image #1, The beautiful white lingerie, bow and sparkling choker, come on Chris, it's time to take your hands down and let us see your developing "girls". Don't be shy! We all friends, here.
    Regards Hot Libby

  4. Image #3 Similarly to image #1, Come on Chris, smile and say hello, and for goodness sake! take your hands down and show your developing bust.
    Regards Hot Libby

  5. Image #2 - Lovely art and facial details again. With the proposed alterations, it's a wonder if Chris will be able to walk again, perhaps, only shuffle along. This would maybe accentuate a wiggle/shake in his tits (my, they are developing nicely) and his hips.
    Love your work
    Regards Hot Libby

  6. sarah wellshunter27 October 2018 at 23:29

    OMG!!! Christine has made my weekend! What a wonderful set of pics!
    The first is just mind blowing and opens up all sorts of scenes in my my imagination.
    No.2 - I want that red suit! She can make the hem as long as she likes but maybe some higher heels would 'hall's
    The third, well at least progress as Chris is actually now working up the courage to smile and flirt! In such a wonderful gown it makes sense.
    The last , love the boots in what is a perfect winter outfit.

    Cannot wait for the next instalments!

  7. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Beautiful as ever. In no. 1 we must be seeing Chris at Level 3, the fact that he can get away with those tiny panties speaks volumes for the high quality and effectiveness of his chastity. In no.2 he is probably back at level 1 if his stride needs to be shortened, a hobble skirt (and slip) as well as ballet heels should help, but where are his gloves? In no. 3 there is a very lucky young guy to come across Chris so beautifully gowned out in the park, wow! In no.4, beautiful in shiny boots and what does he have on under that warm coat, which he will surely take off when he boards the plane? Please keep up the wonderful work

    Love and XXXXX


  8. I'm out of town and will be answering all above in 10 days or so. All the best,

  9. Another stunning collection, well worth the anticipation. 1. I wonder what the 'next level' involves, but Chris certainly does look comfortable in his femininity while in the presence of his training matrons in such an intimate scenario. I'd love to see him in a similar situation with one of his Level 3 friends, the beautiful Jamie perhaps. Or even better, a handsome beau who has been invited into Chris' chamber and has managed to make it there undetected by Mademoiselle security.
    2. A hobbled Chris is a happy Chris. A mincing Chris is a magnificent Chris. Of course our boy's stride should be limited to accentuate his femininity, it goes without saying and should be something he is well used to by now. I agree,lowering and tightening the hem should do the trick, along with ballet boots, which has been mentioned. But how about some ankle and knee shackles with just one loop of chain to make sure he's mincing to perfection?
    3.'I'm trying to get the courage'. Me think he doth protest too much! That guy is on his third circuit, like a fly into our heroine's web, unable to resist that vision of gowned gorgeousness on his daily park walk with his training matron. Chris is well aware of the power he exerts over mere men once they set their eyes upon him in such situations.
    4. Now that's one carrier I'd love to experience. I assume the boys double up as hostesses on Mademoiselle Air when not being transported to fashion shows. I also imagine the uniforms are a vision to behold... Latex perhaps?

  10. Another great quartet of our scrumptious Chris! The first one shows both the girly side (hair bow and choker) and the sexy alluring side of Chris (virginal white lingerie and stockings) with the sweet demure expression of a boy adjusting to his sensual femininity. I like the second simply because the hobble skirt is a constant reminder of his need to be feminine, even in his walk. Plus, the outfit displays his girly curves to absolute perfection. I must admit that the third is my favorite because it shows the quandry he's in: he wants to approach that handsome boy, but he lacks the experience in doing so. His gown is to die for and the floral headband and choker are perfect accessories to entice any boy. When Chris does approach the interested boy, he will realize he made the right choice and that boy will not regret his many walk=bys when he gets to know the sweet, sexy Chris. Lucky Chris in the fourth one: he's about to embark on his role as the newest supermodel... sought after by men and women. Thanks so much Andy and Christeen for sharing these vignettes of Chris' journey toward total femininity.
