Friday 7 September 2018

Weekend Christeen

Hi Everyone
 I love posting Art from Christeen, because I don't have to explain anything, I can just sit back and enjoy it with you.


  1. Does Christeen just send you 4 at a time? There's got to be more. I just can't get enough of her art.

    1. Hello Anon, I have completed over 1300 pics, more than 1200 of which are on the Internet. Try and Carol Jean's Petticoat Punishment Art on Pinterest for starters. Thanks for being a fan.

  2. I hope that Chris and Alex have had a lot of practice dancing backwards in heels. I imagine that they will be popular. At least as popular as most of the "born as" girls. They do look cute. Maybe next time they can work on their hair.
    Too bad Chris could not send his visitors away in time. He was dressed up quite nicely for just a visit with friends. Video games or a fashion show of his newest purchases? The decollete does show his subtle healthy growth. Somehow I do not expect the best intentions from his Auntie. Every aspect being training practice for her nefarious plans.

  3. Yes Lee, Boys dressed up for womanless affairs should be in wigs. I thought of the womanless text long after the art part was completed. My bad for being so lazy. Chris wasn't expecting visitors, Auntie keeps him dressed up most of the time.

    1. My apologies, Christeen, they both look just fine with short hair. It is me, I do not recall any short haired girls way back then. perhaps it is a retro party as well.
      You are not lazy, I love the matching hair bows and pettis.

  4. What do the boys see in Chris? Do they generally know about him, or not? I've been a fan for years but have either missed that detail or could never quite interpret it.

    1. Also just to expand, I didn't mean to imply that the boys shouldn't see anything in Chris. Chris is beautiful, but I've often wondered if he's due for eternal heartbreak or true love, depending on what the boys know and how they feel about it.

    2. Hi, Chris will never find anything in the way of a final true love, he's just trying to make the best of the varied situations that he finds his submissive self in. Each pic is different with respect to whether or not he's judged to be a real girl.

  5. I love Level 3 Chris showing clear signs of his budding breasts and delicious cleave in the picture on the wall.

    1. Happily Lucy, we're seeing more and more of those budding breasts aren't we?

  6. Agree with the previous statement in regards to Level 3 Chris.. is there a level 4? Or has it already been attained?

    1. Sorry Dennis, no Level 4 for our Mademoiselle boy. If he ever completes Level 3 (let's hope not) he'll be returned to his Auntie.

    2. Poor Chris will never enjoy full femininity but from some of the frames he does seem to relish being who he is

    3. Shhhh Dennis, no one's supposed to know.

    4. Dear Christeen,
      Is it possible for you to provide definitions of the different Levels, please? What attainment is required for Level 2 or Level 3? Are there more than 4 levels?

  7. There also seems to be a look of wistful dreaming on his face. The little smile as he tries not to give his anticipation away. Dreaming of wearing something soft, shiny, layered, flowing and/or revealing as he blossoms into the lovely creation his handlers are molding him into.
    His mind is not far behind his body.

    1. I agree Lee, especially with pic 3. His 'handlers' are usually Mademoiselle matrons or Julia and/or Susan.

  8. sarah wellshunter9 September 2018 at 11:39

    More wonderful scenes from Christeen! Actually i quite adore the 'dance' art - alex looks rather sweet with his boyish hair! I adore his outfit equally if he wants to swap places ( i csn dance backward in heels too!).
    The different style of the art is also a new angke too! Are there any more to follow?
    Poor chris has the same confused pout too ! Perhaps he is still undecided if he wants to embrace his girly self..or is he doomed to be Aunties plaything? Again i would happily swap and walk a mile in his heels!!

    1. Hi Sarah, just happened upon a pic like that but haven't been searching for any more, so it's just a one of. We'd all love to swap places with Chris.

    2. sarah wellshunter9 September 2018 at 13:49

      Ok!Fab how it captures poor alex's expression of fear as the inevitable invitation to dance approaches - No doubt underestimating what a very pretty girl he makes! Dare i say if it had been a pageant he would be crowned queen!

  9. Given the era of the last work, may I call this set a Fab Four? Having been around for the tail end of gym dances, the last is so different it must win a prize, with Chris and Alex so cute in their petticoats, almost wallflowers but the spark of something extra, sitting there so demurely.

    While more traditional, the first three display Chris's Level 3 enhancements so nicely. And playmates in each one! Miss Tina, boys and, presumably, Aunt Julia. Every day brings a new adventure to our favorite feminized boy.

    Blossoming truly sums up Chris's new life.

  10. No more gym dances Miss Kimmi? I hadn't heard. And yes, Aunt Julia is part of the fun as well for our blossoming boy. Thanks for you support.
