Monday 4 June 2018

New Art. California Girl

Hi Everyone
   I created this new art last night after being inspired by a sunny day on the beach yesterday. I wanted Andy to be the centre of attention but even that would be difficult for him surrounded by all the beach babe bodies on display and so, with a little nod to Asudem Latex, I came up with the perfect solution. The BabeSkin, 

 The following is an extract from BOYS?s sales catalog.
 "Coat your nephew, son or whomever you wish in our rich lube and slide them in via the neck entry of the ultra skin Latex BabeSkin. You will notice the skin is quite loose, this allows an easier access, however once in place,30 minutes in one of our salons sunbeds will shrink and tighten the skin to a perfect "beyond skintight" fit, creating the perfect Babebody. 
 From there our skilled make up artistes will blend your pretty ones new skin with the natural tones of his pretty face to create the perfect and totally undetectable seam. All is required then is whether your pretty one is dusted down to create a natural flesh tone or glossed up to create that sleek sun oiled beach body.Babe skin comes in a wide range of skin tones, embracing and breaking down cultural boundaries.
   Whichever you choose, your pretty one will turn heads, blessed with the perfect Bade body thanks the BabeSkin."

So where better to secretly test the BabeSkin than on a hot Californian beach and what stricter examination could there be than getting up close and personal with the most demanding of examiners.
 It is going to be a long, hot and embarrassing day for our sweet and helpless hero/Heroine, but one that the beach guys will be remember for a very long time.
  Hope you like this little piece of sunshine


  1. Oh my word. Day after day of stroking all those hunks. Endlessly carressing those perfectly sculpted masculine bodies as thry flirt and seduce him. The boy's mind is going to be irrevocably programmed to react to intimacy with males. Perhaps Aunt Jane's most delicious scheme yet!

    1. It is a delicious and subtle plan Andy. Starting with nervously embarrassed and tentative strokes but later, perhaps longer sleeker movements, almost a caress?
      Thanks Andy, Hope you are well

  2. Oh how the ladies must suffer for beauty, heels on the sand? High difficulty factor.
    Loving the hair that Andy is wearing, It should never get in the way with whatever activity he finds himself doing. Even his firm little breasts are their own calling card. The perfect size for his body.
    As for me, I love the lavender friend. I guess I am a sucker for a high pony tail. Or does it have a different name on the other side of the Pond?

    1. Creating perfect natural femininity is what the BabeSkin does Lee, perfect figure, perfect sized boobs. As for the hair, beach Babe enough without being over-powering.
      Ah the Pony-tail, no it is the same here Lee, though there are a few slang terms for it depending on who is wearing it, but for an elegant lady such as Jane's friend it would simply be a Pony Tail.
      Always a delight Lee

    2. It is always a pleasure to have you enlighten me.

    3. Hands across the pond. XXX

    4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

      Heels on the sand might present a difficulty but Aunt Jane would never consider appearing in public without them and she certainly would not allow her nephew to do so either. Heels are up there with immaculate make-up and perfect nails (even when gloved).

    5. I have no doubt Jane has arranged for appropriate boarding to be laid for them.

  3. Aunt Jane is looking very sexy in her red rubber one piece suit. She may get some action also.

    1. I think Jane might be very happy with that vc, very happy indeed. XX

  4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    The ultimate! Andrew as a California beach babe; and what a babe. The new babe-skin sure is some product. He will find it very hard to fight off all those hard-bodied hunks which he is bound to attract. He is certainly hot in more ways than one and that bikini must be about the ultimate. I like the idea of captioning the products in the Boy? range. I might incorporate some of that into my Andy and Will story when I finally get around to finishing it(it is progressing slowly). Will as one of the hunks would be good.

    Love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie,
      You are more than welcome to use the BOY? range in your story, XX
      Yes I think he will find it hard to escape the beach or the wandering hands or the requests for selfies.
      It is going to be a very long day

  5. I sure hope that Babe Skin isn't too tight in the crotch. And that it doesn't intrusively rub against receptive nerve endings between the buttocks. And it would be just awful if the insides of the breasts stimulate Andy's sensitive nipples. Please tell me that none of those terrible things are happening to our Beach Bunny.

    1. I could tell you that, but sorry all your fears are true. As it says in the catalog
      'The specially designed Stimulation points are integral in aiding the projection of the wearers sensual feminine side'
      So yes, that look in Andy's eye is one of barely controlled arousal.

  6. oh... I've dreamed of weein Andy on a bikini for such a long time... I thought it was never going to happen :-o

    1. Hello my anonymous friend. It has been a dram of mine too, but until the development of the BabeSkin it had not been possible, but now anything is possible.

    2. I like a dram too. A wee dram, preferably sngle malt.

    3. Anonymous, please be careful where you're weeing. Andy make look a Golden Californian Girl, but despite the heat he doesn't need a shower .... yet.

  7. One word: Gorgeous. Or is that three? Now that makes it seven. Ooop, twelve! 14!

    1. Are there enough words, that is the question

  8. "The lube which accompanies the Babeskin can be combined with the new rubber adhesive. This ensures that the wearer cannot remove the Babeskin without your knowledge and consent."

    1. You are correct RH and then there is the lengthy process of smoothing out any air bubbles. XXX

  9. I'm wondering if these narrow latex strips in the thong will resist the pressure when Andy is rubbing those sculptured guy's bodys.
    This art is fresh and colorful. It seems that the spring has arrived there. I love the idea of seeing Andy and his aunties in high heels on the beach, and this embarrassed challenge that Aunt Jane has planed to her lovely nephew.
    But will things be twisted later?.
    Fantastic art!!!
    Xxx Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew, bright and sunny was what I wanted and needed.
      In am sure the boards were laid so jane and her friend could move with ease so there heels.
      I think Andy might be to overwhelmed by the end of the day for any more twists.

  10. Hey dove, remember this one?
    Love, Amber

    1. Of cause Kitty, that is the one with the little boy bump problem. It’s gorgeous

  11. I think under Aunt Jane's tutellage our Andrew has learnt to be more restrained. Or is that constrained? Maybe just well trained? (And ever prettier.) xx

    1. Ah the clear and shrink tight design of the BabeSkin helps to control most events and as for prettier, thank you xxxx
