Saturday 2 June 2018

Christeen at the weekend

Hi Everyone
  Time to get back into some fun and where better than in the world of Christeen
I love love love these especially the last one. Superb classic Christeen


  1. It seems a shame that Chris is not carrying his own flotation devices, though the dress has a beautiful flow about him.
    I do like the last caption. It cannot be the use of the make-up that gives him away. She must know something, perhaps she uses the same make-up as him? He looks a lot more natural than she. His nails do a lot to ad a feminine touch to his touch-up.

    1. Hi Lee, Chris looks more natural because the blonde is a doll that I manipulated a bit.

  2. You always outdo yourself and add such depth.
    I also loved the "Boy Toy" corned. I guess I am a sucker for hats and the fly away hair is an eye catcher. If only I were half my age, and more.
    Oddly, I an enamored by the white gown in #3. Is is for sleeping or going out. Perhaps just a tease for whomever is in the house.

  3. Hi again Lee, it's nice that my art doesn't answer too many questions and lets the reader provide suitable answers.

  4. Andy../ Christine
    Thanks for the new Christine pic's But may I ask, what has happened to the larger sized images? it use to be when you clicked on a "Chris" Image, you would get taken to a page with the full size shot. This has not happened for the last several Christine Updates. It was nice to see the larger images and the better overall detail
    Regards Shadoman

  5. OK belay my last All of a sudden after posting my comment he option to see the larger images are back.. very strange. Must go back and check older Chris Images

    Regards Shadoman

  6. Happy that you're seeing them full sized again.
