Friday 11 May 2018

New Art; "Helping Hands"

Hi Everyone
   Here is some new art for the weekend. As ever it is a tale which finds poor Andy in a situation of his Aunt Janes making, from which he can not extract himself. Plus,in this age of political correctness,it features some classic casual office sexism, however and quite rightly so, the joke is clearly on the morns in suits.
  I'll say no more, I have no doubt you will work it out for yourselves. Hope you like this.
 My very best wishes

Andrew, I am still working on Ms Angela XX


  1. Can't blame the guy for grabbing some ass, Andy is looking Hot Hot Hot in that red latex!

    1. Thank you vc, temptation for a big moron like that can be too much.

  2. I can't wait to see the look on that guy's face. It serves him right not looking at the name tag first before he gets 'handy with Andy'.

    BTW when did Andy start wearing glasses?

    1. Oh yes, he should have payed more attention to the person before taking advantage RH.
      The glasses are mine,or one of my pairs, however I don't know if our Andy needs them or whether they are just part of office uniform.

  3. Ugh, and I thought the sexual harassment was brazen on Mad Men.

    1. There is definitely an air of that time in their attitude

    2. Looks like Andy now has his own MeToo story.

  4. Hi Andrew
    What a good news!!! I'm waiting for that new art with Me Angela.
    Andy is in trouble. He is so pretty in red. Andy is going to sit and takes pff his red heel, dangling it. The guys will be astonished looking it and they will fall down on the floor to help him. They will touch his soft sole skin and they will still for kissing his feet. As soon as they finish their work time they will be inviting Andy to their apartment. Will Andy aĺlow them to take off him the tigh red latex skirt or simply to kiss his feet?.
    Xxx Andrew
    PS waiting for that lovely gift

    1. Naughty Naughty thoughts Andrew, So glad you like my art and that it tickles your imagination.
      Big Big hugs

  5. I love your sense of humor

    1. Hello Harlock,
      A sense of humor is very very important to keep these little fantasies light and fun and i am so glad you feel i achieve that.
      Thank you so much

  6. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Oh dear! Poor,poor Andy, what has his Aunt done? I know he has to move on his sweet journey into femininity but this is so hard. Sexist, predatory pigs at the Office and Andy so pretty and vulnerable. His Aunt has prepared him so beautifully and added the spectacles to make him look so professional, dressed so beautifully and sexily in stunning red latex even the journey to the office on the tube must have been an ordeal for him. Surely she cannot make him do the full six months? Perhaps Will could ride to the rescue?

    Love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie, In truth Aunt Jane has dressed Andy very modestly, I mean that skirt could have been much shorter Yes the outfit is tight and red it is smooth red latex, but it could all have been a lot tinier.
      big soft hugs

    2. Well six months is a long time and Andy will need more than just that little red dress. Does the office have 'casual Fridays'?

    3. Very casual, pant suits are an option. XX

  7. Poor Andy 6 months to keep up the pretence, he certainly looks stunning love the outfit.
    Brilliant artwork again.

  8. It's regrettable but Andy does need to learn that sexism and bad male behaviour has not gone away. I'm afraid that's what happens when you're pretty and attractive and dressed very sexily. He'll realise that ladies are much more caring and compassionate than horrible alpha-males. No wonder he's drawn ever closer to Aunt Jane (and has even taken rather a shine to the office manager). The only thing I found hard to believe in this is that Andy is 'totally useless' at the job. He will be desperate to impress and do a good job for his Aunt's reputation.
    Gorgeous work. Your S xxx

    1. Hi S
      You read that right, yes, the male dominated world can be no place for a sweet little fem boy, best stay safe with Jane and Her friends and only mix with those specially selected friends from his youth.

    2. Mind, I seem to recall a certain Andy didn't mind having male hand on his bum all night not so long ago. Albeit that was in tight latex pants rather than a skirt, and was ina club rather than an office. ;-)

    3. Hey, it was not on my bum all night, though it was rather thrilling, especially as i had no idea whose it was. XX

  9. Ah, the good old days. Before one was scared to be brought up over any remark. They look good in their suits, but Andy ans am blessing in matching red all around. I cannot imagine him being totally useless, there must be something he is good at. Besides eye candy. Perhaps something will pop up.

    1. Also, with a skirt like that I doubt if he will be hard to capture and be pleasured by.

    2. Oh naughty Lee, surely you are not subscribing to such behavior, 'wink, wink' and yes I am sure there are hidden talents, however there is very little room to hide them in that outfit.

    3. As long as his lips are full and lipstick and gloss refreshed.

    4. Regular restroom breaks are in the contract
