Wednesday 28 March 2018

New Art. Kinky Girl

Hi Everyone.
   Well I am back......a little. Not entirely back but hope to be around a little bit. But enough of that.

I was inspired to create this little piece by a photo I saw of my favorite spice girl Emma Bunton. I shall share those pics shortly. I think the rest of the story explains itself and any of the other elements I am sure you sweet and naughty people will happily fill in for me.
   Sorry if my replies to any comments might be slow,but they will all be cherished and inspire my frazzled mind to create more.
  Hope you like this,
 Big hugs and a zillion kisses


  1. Your art is as wonderful as ever. Andy has become so enamored of latex he wants to wear it all the time, much to the delight of Aunt Jane. But obviously, he is overdressed. Those latex panties will have to go.

    1. I can't imagine what he was thinking.
      Thank you RH

    2. 'Kinky Girl'. A new boutique related to 'Boy?!'.

    3. Maybe for part 7.

  2. Ouch! No fair, I would be melting inside one of those. Caught it just past midnight here. Have to get up early to bring my car in. Will return in a few.

    1. Drip drip sticky boy. Xx
      Do you bring your car in at night Lee, that is love or is it a rough neighbourhood. 😁

    2. Sunrise is at 6:45 here today. I like to be one of the first on line. There is always someone who looks like he slept there to be first.
      It looks like the boys attention is attracted by the luscious lady strolling in the blue. Nicely done, but Andy is in for an interesting day. I should imagine that his cheeks are from embarrassment and not out of a compact. Welcome back

    3. Is there any significance to the red star?

    4. The girl in blue has legs up to her armpits of cause he is going to look 😁
      . As for the star, purely a style thing.

    5. Interesting, and how far do your legs go when She gets you all dolled up?

    6. Honey, take s deep breath, I have great legs, add the heels and they can stop traffic. 😁

    7. I will only worry about my heart, though I will still bring a chap stick.

    8. I always wondered how you got priority when you were on your scooter. Drivers clearly didn't just 'Give Way' to you. Or were they just TRANSfixed by your legs rather than the traffic lights. ;-) xxx

    9. I'm so happy my are legs getting your attention. It's a good job I have never mentioned my bottom. Which has a fan club all of its own.

    10. I know you have form but do you have membership forms? :-)

    11. My, my you just took it and ran. Nicely done, M'Ladies.
      I hope we get a back side view of your attributes some day. Hip out, fingers playing. What fuel for the fantasies.

    12. I have had fingers playing on my bottom before, thank you Lee. I wonder whose they were?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a marvellous return. It's so good to see you producing art again although I know times are difficult. I hope your drawings of Andy's adventures provide some solace.

    Mind you, Andy is looking terrific and it seems it is his choice to wear the latex mac. Not just kinky but rather slutty especially with his hair pulled back tightly, big hoop earrings and over-rouged cheeks. Maybe his Auntie has forced him to endure abstinence over the last few weeks and he's desperate for some attention. Is he trying to attract the guys nearby so that they'll rescue him from his Auntie's clutches or is he merely hoping that they go for girls with a chav look and will give him some relief. It seems his Auntie suspects the latter and wants to ensure that Andy's lack of knickers mean the guys know immediately the little secret of the object of their desires. She wants to keep Andy safe for her and Lady Quirt's use (and maybe William's) at least for the time being. That's why she's quite happy for the boys to be distracted by the girl in blue. (It's two years since that little lady finished her training with Auntie. Auntie is always pleased to see her protegées blooming although she does still like to keep secure charge of the keys to their cock cages. Not that she minds unlocking her, it's just she expects her to come with her boyfriend to ask. Auntie can then decide whether her boyfriend is suitable and whether he should also be feminised in due course. Andy though will always be special to her.)

    A wonderful homage to Ms Bunton.
    Take care XXXX

    1. Heavens above that's not a comment that's an essay and s lovely one at that.
      Seems like you are revving up for another story my friend

  5. A bit of a change of image for Andrew, I think! I wonder what could have provoked his change from so sweet and demure to so brazen? Still the 'Croyden facelift' and hoop ear-rings do suit him, perhaps stiletto knee-boots with the mac might be the next step in his kinkification?

    1. Thigh-high would be better.

    2. The stuck back look was important and goes with the whole image.
      As for the boots I did think about it but did not wish to detect from those legs.

  6. Thank you for this new wonderful Art

    1. You are welcome my friend. Glad you liked it.

  7. The first sunrays are coming to warm the air after the long and cold winter. Guys enjoy playing with a ball. But one of them is distracted by the pretty girl's in blue hip movements who is walking around the park. Andy has recognized her while he was seeing guy's from his window, when he invited her to visit the boys sissyfication room. Andy quickly nacked himself and take from his wardrobe a latex coast and run stairsdown to reach the park. Andy is going near the guys to get their attention. But Aunt Jane has undestood what is happen, and she rightly walk to Andy to help his nephew in this uneasy moment. Sure, Aunt Jane will know how sheust do to get the boy's stunned looks.

  8. Oh naughty, you think Andy wants the boys attention, surely he is too sweetly embarrassed to want to be seen or recognised.
    Lovely Lovely comment Andrew
