Monday 18 December 2017

New Art: "Please Madam"

Hi Everyone,
 If I may start with a little outburst 
Sorry about that, but I have been working on this piece of art now on and off for about  8 months, It has gone through more incarnations than Doctor Who and now thanks to the previous piece "Andys Party Nerves" I have found a concept to hang it on.
  I do not think there is much to explain, Andy has spend the previous evening and night with Lady Theresa and now, next day, after dinner,it is time to relax and time for her Ladyship keep her own promises.
  I took way to long to create the dress Andy has been slipped into, I could not get the depth of gloss I wanted and also I love the sexy transparent inserts, that allow the dress to be exposing yet still restrictively tight and sweaty.
 I will say no more, as I expect your comments will only inspire me to greater leaps of imagination and naughtiness.
Love and Kisses


  1. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Yes, a different direction from mine but still wonderful. At least we are both having Lady Theresa served by a host of sissy servants beautifully uniformed. Andy's dress is to die for, I love the slit up to the waist.

    Love and XXXXX


    P.S. I have made it first to comment again!

    1. In first Stevie XXXX
      Thank you as ever honey, so glad you liked it and yes a different line to your super story, however both will sit happily together.

  2. Another beautiful addition and well worth the wait.
    It does seem as if Andi is encased in his latest fashion ensemble. If I see correctly, there are clear panels down to his knees so he is hobbles and unable to escape with any haste. As if he would want to. I think he protests too much.
    Ms Teresa's four lads may teach him a thing or two and bring him to new heights of femininity. She does have a penchant for blondes as her lone brunette has a look of wanton lust. Even more so than the others. Maybe they are not let out often and this is a treat for good behavior?
    I think it is the short red hair that has her warmed up and his innocence that boils her over.
    Between yourself and Ms. S.S. Stevie he is in for a sweaty awakening.
    I love the issue on the table. Could it be one of her bois on the cover? and will it be long before Andi graces the cover with a few pages inside.

    1. My goodness Lee, it there nothing you miss. The magazine on the table is from another idea I have in mind, but bless you for spotting it, as you did the look in the brunettes eyes.
      Yes the transparent panel is there to create hobble,Andy needs to be aware he is after all a prisoner,if a rather sensual and "willing" one to these ladies.
      and many thanks

    2. I am truly sorry if I saw too much.
      As always, you put your heart and soul in your work. That is why hey are worth the wait.
      Andi may have difficulty practicing his runway walk, but I am sure the gurls will pound it into his vacuous head until there is space for nothing else, but looking and acting as told. Could he be looking forward to his time with Aunt Jane? If stressed too much the Ladies in Waiting may massage away his worries.
      between yourself and Ms. Stevie the mind boggles, or is boggled, to be further boggled? Harrumph.

    3. Glad to have boggled you again Lee and I am just so happy you spot all the little details. Makes my own obsession over them worth while.
      Big hugs

  3. Just love this. Your work is as gorgeous, sexy, provocative, and exciting as always, Hon. I'd like to think that Lady Theresa's "boys" are actually Andy's friends that we so often see in the background,; captured by Theresa, transformed, and now ready to take sweet Andrew to his/her next delicious level...

    1. Ah yes, I did wonder if anyone would pick up on the possible identities of the Maids, but that is purely for you lovey people to decide upon.
      I am so glad you like my art, thank you for taking the time to comment, it means a lot to me

    2. Thought you might like to see some of my own artwork. Once you get past the captioned photos, the pencil art is my own. Glam hair is my passion...


    3. Oh yes I will pop bay when I have the chance, thank you, I love glamorous hair too

  4. "More incarnations than Doctor Who" made the chuckle, but that really is a gorgeous piece of art with some fun text around it. I think the combination of gloss and transparency works beautifully. The collar is cute and, as always, I think you captured his facial expression perfectly.

    1. Thank you Sally, That is very kind of you and the Doctor Who reference is now even more appropriate with the new female Doctor.
      Big hugs

  5. Replies
    1. Glad you like it Kitka, it is of cause from the latest B.O.Y couture collection

    2. Oh and Kitka, How is the Ola dress?

    3. Wonderful! I wore it for my pre-Christmas kitchen deep-cleaning evening last Thursday. I particularly love how it keeps riding up so I'm forced to be constantly tugging it back down again, it feels such a girly thing to do :)

    4. Bet you look as good as Ola

  6. When Andy returns to Aunt Jane he will be quite changed. How could anyone NOT after being attended to by such lovely and 'talented' examples of femininity?

    Is this part of Aunt Jane's plan or is it an effort to separate Andy and Jane emotional bond by the Sisterhood?

    1. Sisterhood plan RH?, Hmmm not sure, but I do know what the third pic, in My version, will be. All I need now is the time.

  7. great work. love the scene but wish both aunts would be there to witness and enjoy andys 1st foray into sissy-sissy hanky panky.

    1. Well Anon that might be fun, but the thrill is Andy being on his own with no Aunt Jane to look to for guidance or protection. Such a thrill

  8. Congratulation Andy. It is a great job, full of naughty drtails: the dresses, the hiheels (my favourite, you know), the lush maids. The dream which is always hidden in my mind... a mistress with her naughty gurls fluttering around a helpless and tying feet ablazed sissy boy.
    This year you have reached the 100 posts, impossible to know what is the best. One hundred excited moments that you have given us. Thank you.

    1. Hello my dear friend, 100? Really gosh, not a bad post rate then and I am so happy to have brought such pleasure ans delight to everyone.
      As for this new art, you know you would fit into that world so easily.

  9. Its art work to be proud off.

  10. Hi Andy

    Lovely as always, and Andy's dress is amazing, he will have some fun willing or not.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Years.


    1. Thank you as ever Erika and my very best wishes to you to my frien

  11. So many different things to like in this glorious masterwork: Andy's wonderful hobble dress, Lady Theresa's dress and ultra high heels, four gorgeous sissy maids all similarly attired although with slightly different shoe details, the glimpse of sissy leg through the transparent vase, the Christine style magazine on the table, the little artwork on sideboard near the arch (is that a 'Marquis' cover or something rather more exotic?).

    But most perfect of all is that look of surprise on Andy's pretty face. Suddenly to hear the maids referred to by Lady Theresa as 'boys' has shocked Andy to the core. The girls that he'd looked at so lovingly in their uniforms were in fact sisssies. Why hadn't he realised? They too were wearing dresses like him but seemed totally comfortable and at home. How long had they been in Lady Theresa's service? And did Aunt Jane know about them.

    And what precisely did Lady Theresa mean by 'twice each'? Andy could work out what 'no toys' meant. But twice each? Slowly realisation hit Andy Even though Aunt Jane liked to keep him in dresses and heels, she liked him still to be an 'active' young man. Presumably Lady Theresa's maids were likely to be just as active. It was going to be quite an afternoon.


    1. Hello my dear S XXX
      I had to go back and check about the leg, could not recall if It was right or not and well spotted regarding the wall art, I think it was a cover for the old magazine.
      As for the surprise at finding the maids Boys, well I think he was distracted by how well developed they were and then only twice each? That would that be any kind of combination, but via his "lessons" Andy will be pleasured 8 times in various ways is my thought, hence do not tire him out.
      Big Big hugs my dearest and special kisses

  12. 8 months on and off....a heel here...a touch there...and voila, a masterpiece. I thank you.

    Happy Xmas to me, this is just superb. You've just been voted 'Most Gorgeous Sissy Artist of the Year'. That's 3 years running now. Thank you so much for all of your posts and patience this year. A bright ray of warm sunshine you are.

    Time for a mince (pie that is).

    Birdie XXXX

    1. Birdie Birdie Birdie! Tweet tweet XXX
      I am happy to work on something that brings pleasure to others, especially sweet and fun others like you.
      I shall place that award next to my others and thank all who voted for me. Mmmmm is that chocolate under that gold.?
      I'll have a Mince {pie} with you any time Birdie

  13. Oooohyesplease Madam please let Elizabeth play with Andy!!

    I can feel the wide skirt rustle and gently touch my smooth legs while I try not to literally jump up and down and around like an excited bunny begging Madam Theresa. The other boys are squirming too! We have been extra thorough in our work and wish for nothing more than to just spend a litte time with Andy!

    And his dress!! My oh my! I know from my maids hobbledress how it feels like... so restricting and sweaty at times - actually all of the time - but also incredibly comforting... Like an everlasting hug for your pretty long legs Andy! And your dress is out-of-this-world cute! As an ordinary maid it has been quite a long time since I was allowed to wear something this... flashy. Not to critizise Madam Theresa but she definitly has strict rules on how her staff should dress. And look at our shiny uniforms! We have such a variety of cuts to choose from, but all in black and white. Well, we are her boy maids and happy to do anything for her!

    It's just... you know Andy... The first time each of us were invited to Madam Theresas mansion we all were gifted long, tight, flashy, pink dresses like you are! But we can rarely wear them nowdays... There's just too much work to do... and not enough guests we are allowed to play with. We are so excited that you, Andy, are staying with us.

    Let me show you what we do after our chores are done... And actually... *squirms a little*... to be honest... we don't really need any dresses for that... *bites lip and lightly touches Andys smooth arm*

    Andy you are such a sweety


  14. I was searching for just the right name, for Lady theresa's head Maid, something sweet,feminine and cultured and then I thought of you.Perfect in every way. XXX
    So very glad you liked it my friend and I hope you and your "sister" treat Andy well. (I know you will)

  15. OMG This would be the culmination of all of my dreams! I read your blog, and dream of being Andy.

    1. I like to think I can slip into peoples dreams, perhaps you really are Andy.

  16. I like rubber dresses please make me that costume
