Monday 4 December 2017

New Art :Andys Party Nerves

Hi Everyone
  As I have said before, my blog and creating for it is very much place where I can get away from the weight I currently have on my shoulders and sometimes in the night when it is dark I just sit and mess with Andys naughty little world and things feel good for a while. (sorry about that bit)
  Today we find our poor sweet Hero/Heroine on the brink of his first official party away from his Aunts naughty, but loving control. The Outfit Andy is in is one I have wanted to use for a while but never found the right place, but I think the cute little sailor theme is fun (Not sure but he might be a captain by the rings) and it also lets us see him in those much longed for boots.
  I think Aunt Jane knows what is in store for him, after all I imagine Lady Theresa has asked Janes permission first, but poor Andy really has little idea and his nerves only increase when His Aunt explains things just before handing him over to the care of her Ladyships driver.

Hope you like this
Biggest Hugs


  1. From Sweet Sissy Stevie.

    First to make a comment!

    Those beautiful, beautiful boots! I have no doubt that it took Aunt Jane a long time to get them fitted onto Andy just right and they, with the short, tight skirt show off his legs to perfection.
    He will be centre of attention at the party and his boots will attract many admiring glances, thigh boots do that, especially ones which are locked in place . He is one very lucky boy and Lady Theresa will love him and his collar will remain in place as is appropriate. A classic even by your very standards.

    Many, many thanks.

    love and XXXXX


    P.S. Aunt Jane's and the chauffeur's boots are not bad either.

    1. You are first in Stevie and always welcome. XXX
      Yes it did turn into a boot special with everyone wearing something to attract the eye. I am so glad you liked it and your thoughts on it being classic are a delight, Thank you, Thank you.

    2. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

      You are very welcome. I just hope that his Aunt has bought him several pairs in different colours- red, pink, silver, gold, diamante etc. etc. and, of course, all sorts of revealing outfits to show them off.

      love and XXXX


    3. I think Andy will be back in uniform next, but never fear he will look lovely

    4. I believe that Andy isn't wearing a skirt. I think that it is just a latex jacket. Unless there is a microskirt, the only thing protecting his modesty is a tiny latex thong (black of course).

    5. You believe right RH, that is one teeny tiny jacket dress over an ever teenier tinier thong.

  2. As always Andi is a gem, finely honed and polished.
    Dt is also wonderful to see him healthy and his growing breasts on display. Aunt Jane's double entendre may not be lost on him. I do not see a bag or clutch so his change f clothes and make-up repair could be in the trunk already. Unless Lady Theresa's Lady's in Waiting are on call.
    Another beautiful addition.
    I would love to see the look on Andi's face as he awakens tomorrow and realizes where he is. . . and the day is not done.

    1. Surely you do not mean the completely innocent comment "Have you for Sunday Lunch"? Whatever could you read into that Lee
      Thank you for your super comment as ever and I can't wait to see Andy in the morning either.
      "Good morning Miss Andy", the maids say, smiling broadly "we are here to prepare you for the day"

  3. The boots, the just-budding breasts, and the tiny waist are all delightful, but I think it's the expression you've captured on his face that really brings it all together. Such a little thing, but perfect.

    1. Thank you Sally, the expression is one of, nervous acceptance, a sort of. "Ok, If you say so Aunty"

  4. This fits so well as a sequel to "Come in Young Man". Andy looks absolutely fabulous. He's in for a fabulous ride oevr the next 24 hours, not least with Lady Theresa's driver who may be unable to resist giving the young man a little coaching.
    Superb work.
    Your S xxx

    1. Hello my dear S, Yes I too think the driver might find somewhere to place her hand other than the gear stick. I say Her, but really? can we be so sure?.

    2. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

      I am sure the driver's name is probably Mike or Pete or something, and he has been well trained Lady Theresa and is now beautifully turned out in his shiny black uniform, cap, gloves and boots.

    3. Oh I thought it might be Stevie or something XXXX

    4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

      Funny you say that. I am putting together a little story taking this picture as a starting point and Stevie does feature in it. What is the best way of sending it to you when it is finished?

      Love and XXXX


    5. Hi Stevie, That sounds exciting, send it to , because I would love to share it.

    6. I see I have a storytelling competitor. I'll have to put in some additional time on Part 2.

    7. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

      Not really a competitor. Looking forward to your Part 2.

    8. Watch out RH, I have just read part of Stevie's story, It is very very good. Then then again you are writing from different angles and story lines so it is all wonderful

  5. Thank you Andy for this wonderful new art

  6. I love these boots and black suits on Andrew

  7. Whoa!...that's just...what the?... I mean come on now...

    What I mean to say is that this is tremendous piece of stunningly sexy Andy art. Thank you. Everything about it really, especially of course those boots. Didn't cause you any trouble to create it seems, but the perfect pout can't be that easy. Thinking that redhead Andy is top of the list too. You spoil me Ms Watson.
    Oh how I'd love to make an art request from you once a month. I shall not however as it would be rude.

    Birdie XX (peck, peck, cheep, cheep)

    1. A chair please for Birdie to perch on which he catches his breath, Expression is all important, I like getting it correct and as for requests, you know you can ask me for anything Birdie
      Tweet tweet

  8. A lovely outfit but doesn't all that scambled egg risk giving Andrew ideas above his station?

    1. Could be Kitka, but i see no opposition to a swift promotion, do you?

  9. Andy, I love Andrew's outfit and his expression of fear and anticipation. I can't wait to hear about his adventures at the party...I'm sure he'll be the hit of the party. I wonder how quickly he'll lose her tunic and boots to please the partygoers!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely and inspiring serves as the source to many, many of my fantasies.


    1. Hello Lori
      Why ever would you imagine Andy will be losing his little uniform, just because her Ladyship has his Keys does not mean she will use the party at least. But of cause there is that overnight stay, so a change into sleep wear would be required and them there is dressing for Sunday lunch, but then I think her Ladyship might have another "dressing" in mind.
      Keep inspired

  10. All I have to say about the picture is, as you have said already that Andy is only wearing a coat dress over a teensy thong that is hiding his gurlish secret. I'm wondering if Lady Theresa like to spank her guests, as the outfit in question screams either spank me, or Andy will be used in some sexual serving way he may like or love or hate.

    1. Just because a little fem Boy is wearing a little Latex jacket dress does not mean he is open to any such naughtiness.....well maybe a little, as for spanking, well whatever else would one do with a naughty little thing like he.

  11. Must. Have. Andys. Outfit! Locks and all... It's perfect!!!! Aaaaaah

    And the story here is just so inspiring. It's so much I can't get anything typed out *continues excited screaming*

    As always your art has so many dimensions. Just just just look at the driver! Oh I can only imagine what kind of stories *she* could tell... For now I just have to say: I don't know what I'd rather be in this... the driver or Andy?

    So much love Andy!

    1. Ow my word, so loud!, heavens above.
      You my dear, a mere driver?, You are far more. XXX
