Monday 25 September 2017

New Art "Repossession order"

Hi Everyone
  Here is some new art, I have created a few over the past few days, some of which are quite sentimental (I was in a remembering mood) and in truth the one I was going to post needs re-working so I have chosen this one of our poor Hero/Heroine once more in some sticky trouble.
  It seems Jane's' deal with the Institute has taken an unexpected turn thanks to a simple accounting issue.
  I think I will leave the rest to your wonderfully imaginative minds.


  1. Poor Andy! In vac storage for a month because Aunt Jane forgot to pay her Institute dues! I'd love to see it!

  2. Well it could be a long month for Andy. Although she'll miss his company for a month, it'll allow Aunt Jane time to catch up with her girlfriends. After all, although Andy is a devoted little pup, he can be quite demanding. And think of the eagerness he'll show when released and the gratitude he'll show to her. Perhaps Aunt Jane will think about getting behind on some other payments. After all, at times Andy does say she's all behind and it is where his eyes seem drawn when he's not gazing into hers.
    Lovely as ever.
    Your S xxx

    1. Eagerness and gratitude, Hmmmmm yes I am sure he will and as for behind, It is just one of a number of wonderful vistas for Andy (or I) to contemplate.
      Naughty as ever S

  3. I'd love to see the storage facility.

    After a month do you think Aunt Jane might accidentally forget to pick Andy up? She did forget to pay her dues after all. Imagine the look on Andy's face when the auction starts and he is brought out.

    1. "Accidentally" forget? Come now RH....WELL, perhaps so. She might like to have him sweat just a little more. As for the facility. That is very much a thought.

  4. If he is gone for a month, who will clean the house, water the plants and tend to her other 'needs'? Is there a 'Rent-a-Sissy' service? ... Or have I just thought of something Aunt Jane or some other enterprising done will establish?

    1. I am sure RH, that a stand in might be available from the institute at a reasonable rate. Perhaps not up to the same standard as Jane is used to, maybe a repossessed model, freshened up but good enough to keep the place tidy.
      If not then yes, opportunity awaits for someone.

  5. I would say ,”poor Andrew,” but I think I wouldn’t mind being in his predicament. That wrap looks really tight Nd inescapable.

    1. Hello Masque
      Yes I think there would be a few takers for wrapping, but i will put you top of the list

  6. If you think that is tight, wait until they start using the heat guns and the plastic latex shrinks on our little sissy.

    1. Funny RH, I have been working on something involving shrink wrap. You must be inside my head again, Ewwww bet its all sticky and wet.

    2. Sticky and wet.... I don't think I have to comment any further.

    3. That's nice, poke about inside my head for a while, get all wet and sticky and then declare "No further comment, M'Lord" LOL XXX

  7. What a great thing!!!. Andy has been wrapped with film from his heels. He will be one month wearing them. He cannot rest his feet during your storage.
    His cheeks are red like a pepper. Maybe the employers are doing him to feel hot.
    Excellent work, Andy.

    1. A month in heels, sounds like our kind of heaven, yes Andrew?

  8. Yeaahhh. During one month it'll be impossible to take out his heels because the film is so tight between heels and ankles. His feet will be sweaty when Aunt Jane will come to take him. Andy will need a nice massage then... hmmmm it tastes delicious.
    I will ask if they need a storekeeper to taste them...

  9. Well Andrew I am sure they will find a position for you, either as storekeeper or product tester.
