Tuesday 3 January 2017

Happy new year. Pics to inspire.

Hi Everyone 
Happy New year to you all. XXX
   Hope you all had a nice holiday full of fun and love and I hope you all get some of that this year.

Thought I would start of easy, with just a few unconnected pics that make me smile or flutter my imagination or, as in some here, spark wonderful memories and emotions. Perhaps they might tickle your imaginations.

I love travel and have always dreamed of a long and steamy train trip through Russia, perhaps the beauty below begun that journey as a boy, but after meeting the countess in the dinning car, fell under her spell

I love boats and imagine sailing round the world, only to return a far more sensual creature

This picture reminds me of parties i attended on the Spanish islands years ago, they would go on into the next morning, but the atmosphere was always so hot and sexy. You would find yourself with people you had never met before, but would remember forever. Great nights.

Easy. I just love this outfit. Love love love it. The detailing is wonderful

               Clearly this young man had not read the small print when signing his new contract

I had and still have got, a pair of these, best pants ever, way to tight, way too hot and why too sexy. Never had my bum touched so many time in one evening by so many strangers.

This New Years eve, with my Beloved Sheila was one of the best ever.

I usually go a visit my friends in France for new year. I hope my friend Gi and her husband did miss me, as much a I missed them. Perhaps she is still looking out for me.

Happy New Year


  1. Thank you, Andy, a veritable cornucopia! I liked them all (but especially 'the beauty on the train', and 'the maid'of course. No, I liked them all).
    Happy New Year - may it stimulate your creativity!
    PL xxxx

  2. Another beautiful collection to inspire. It was nice to see what gets your juices flowing and imagination kicked in gear. All are amazing and it was interesting what we might find thoughtful in common.
    Of course, the maid you saved for last. Something we all share, but which of us would like to be her and which would like to find her.
    As for me, it may always be the black and the leather. Or the tight and gleam of latex. I now have a new appreciation for silver, but I do not care for boats and she is a bit too voluptuous for my tastes. I prefer tight, athletic, slim, dare I say a little boyish.
    My favorite would be the shoes. So many stories there. Are they there, found in the morning? Left there from the last time worn? Found there for this evenings' tryst. The mind finds endless possibilities.
    Like you, interesting, amazing and a plethora of tangents.
    Wishing you all the best for the New Year. You do have them over there, don't you?

    1. Oh yes we do have them here, whicch is why i was so attracted to those heels, because i spent it with my Love and she is a devout heelaphile if there is such a thing.
      So glad you liked this little warm up and that your wonderfully naughty imagination has been tickled.
      Big hUgs

    2. Of course there is such a thing. If you can dream it, it can be.
      I hope you keep in practice in your heels. Good exercise and a delight to see your tight bum sway. I can only imagine.

    3. My bum has, I admit, attracted quite a bit of attention in the past and still does

  3. I wish you a great new year both personally and professionally.
    I love those Loubos Daffodile left on the floor. I might imagine who take off you those... and who would like to do it!!!
    The journey on train to Russia will be fine if we all could go on that train. How about this idea????.
    When you return to Spanish islands, please send me a message 😉😉😉.
    Hope your new year art!!!
    9696 Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew, heels such as those can off my love Sheilas feet on New Years eve. However it has been know for them to remain on all night.
      Yes we could all meet up and travel in one steamy compartment, gazing out at the snow, whilst naked and warm inside.
      Spent a summer in Ibiza years ago, it was after a very hard time for me so i was a little off the rails as we say, but no one got hurt and no one died, it was just a free, hot and wet summer. Oddly enough a girl i met there spent all summer in a pair of polished black rubber rain boots, wellingtons, just like the girls in this pic.
      Working on new art and stories.
      Happy new year

  4. From Sweet Sissy Stevie

    Hi Andy,

    Happy New Year.

    Love the pictures. My favourite must be the silver latex dress, very sexy. It would be even better if worn with matching full length gloves. We cannot see her (his?) feet but I am sure he must be in matching vertiginous heels.

    looking forward to more of your wonderful work.

    Love and XXXX


    1. Hi Stevie, happy new year xxx
      I love that dress too, the picture makes me think of breathing in the fresh air of a new day and perhaps a new life, one of latex and heel and of chase gloves.

  5. Re the "best pants ever", I remember a certain someone keeping their hand on them all evening - and he wasn't a stranger. More protection and affection. And that black outfit would be perfect for you. Love how you remember Gi and P while paying suitable homage to Sheila. Beautiful post as ever of fond memories.
    S xxx

    1. Now you know certain people have access to ky shiny bottom anytime they wish and even with protection other hands found their way through.Yes that outfit would do me quite wonderfully for shopping in Paris.
      And how could I forget GI and P, missed them so much, I miss our cuddles. Xxx
