Thursday 22 December 2016

Fantastic Foursome from Christeen

Hi Everyone
  A pre Christmas visit to the wonderfully Feminised world of poor Chris and the works of the amazing Christeen.


  1. What a Christmas gift from Christeen! These are all wonderful, but I particularly like the magazine cover. Four different takes on feminisation; bottom left I see is when Chris is no longer a petticoated boy but a sexy, sophisticated entertainer. I love these glimpses of his, or rather her, truely female future! I note the date of the magazine; presumably it's fallen through a timewarp from a hundred years in the future, from a time when the sissification or feminisation of suitable boys is standard practice! Well done indeed, Christeen!

    1. Hi, It's ironic that the technology that led to making my art possible is the same technology that led to the demise of hard copy magazines. A hundred years from now my skills will be obsolete as digital transformations and manipulations will be little more than a wish and a click or two. Merry Christmas, Christeen

    2. A hundred years from now humanity may well be back to crayons or cave drawings for all we know. It may actually be worth doing something in print one of these days. Digital publications have their limits too. I still like to have some printed and framed for on my wall once in a while.

      Saskia (respectfull Christeen forger(lol))

  2. Another beautiful set from Christeen Each a wonderful view into her mind. All another level of humiliation for his education into his new life.
    I have a fondness for the third. Maybe the darkened colors or perhaps it is just the car. I would love to get a better view of his dress. Classic afternoon black? I am sure that what he imagines and what transpires are quite different. Keeping him on his toes, and not just in 5' heels.
