Friday 9 December 2016

A weekend with Christeen

Hi everyone
  Sorry for delays, terrible Internet issues. Anyway here we are, striving never to disappoint, with 4 new Gems from Christeen


  1. Oh my! First 'vitamins' and then implants. Chris will develop very nicely. Such a pity that he'll develop a rounded bottom before he gets strong thighs. Although strong thighs might become useful in time given what he's going to need to start gripping. He'll want to have something to grip firmly between his legs given those shots are going to cause rather a lot of shrivelling and leave him delectably small and limp.

  2. Always a bit disappointed when Estrogen shots are mentioned as in reality they Kill ones libido and sexdrive almost completely. Girls who do generally get rather sexless and i don't think we want that for a pretty girl like Christeen.

    1. Hi, What a bummer for Chris. I'll need to remember to avoid future injections for him. All the best, Christeen

    2. Hi Christeen !
      I discover your tremendous work, and I am quite excited with it.

      About injections, it is an absolute fetish for me, I imagine being held firmly while a very feminine woman gives me an injection in the buttocks...

      I think you could imagine this kind of scenario, injection not of hormones but of a sedative. For exemple Christ tried to escape, and it was decided that he would be sedated every night by an injection into the buttocks. It is a painful one... On the drawing, he cries, held firmly by a woman, bare buttocks, while another woman is holding the syringe upright, ready to inject him, to make him sleep. With the words that go with, of course...

  3. Chris(teen) is really developing into the most gorgeous girly boy, how long before he starts to get a crush on some of his schoolboy friends.
    Again wonderful artwork

    1. Hi, Perhaps someday, so stay tuned. Thanks for your kind comments. All the best, Christeen

  4. They really have him doing his paces on the stationary. A fan blowing his hair as a coating of sweat cools his thighs. He is coming along nicely. A cutie even with the most minimal of feminine finery. His friends must be seeing him/her in a different light. His feminine mannerisms showing even the rare occasions he must show himself En Drab.
    I do hope they do not go overboard with the implants. Thus far Chris is becoming a lithe and trim young Lady.
