Tuesday 8 November 2016

New Art, "The Mystery Blonde"

Hi Everyone
  Time for new art, this one was not inspired by my last visit to my friends, but by a photo I crcall seeing a few months ago, I come not remember who the lady in question was, but it was at some red carpet event and the lady in question clearly looked rather nervous or embarrassed about her choice of dress. No hang on stop press, i got it, it was of Khloe Kardashian and she was wearing this pink Latex dress and was looking out from behind a door or something and to me she looked rather nervous, not that a Kardashian would know the meaning of that and besides we all know that if you want to be photographed without fail at one of these events, get yourself into something rubbery, but any way, that was where this came from. 
  So I imagined our poor Andy  in a similar situation, Aunt Jane and he at a glamorous event, a premiere or awards ceremony, but despite his best efforts to shy away from the cameras and things, Jane choice of skintight Latex for her sexily feminised nephew was bound to catch the eager eye of the gather press. The question of the Mystery Blonde was about to be answered.

  Hope you like it.


  1. I think that other than the wonderfully tight and shiny latex outfits in your artwork, it's the fearful look of Andy whenever he is displayed to the 'regular' public that I find the most enjoyable.

    1. Thank you both so much, I try to express as much as I can in the image and poor Andy has such a sweetly expressive face.

  2. Poor Andy must feel so embarrassed and naked... That latex suit isn't really covering anything, his entire beautiful physique and every shifting bodypart will be gazed upon by the whole world, moving under a tight and shiny second skin. He will definitely have no way of going back to his old life... Love it, Andy! Thank you for your art xxxxx

    1. As good as naked is a way to describe that outfit, the photo editors off the worlds press will have a field day,especially the choice between front and rear view's.
      No Andy's fate is sealed as tight as that outfit

  3. Poor Andy indeed! Can nothing stop him becoming a star? I love the way he is thrown when Aunt Jane reminds him to speak clearly when asked his name. How can he avoid revealing that he has a boy's name, and therefore...
    Wonderful; thank you, Andy!

    1. That is the moment of truth, will he desperately try to cling on to his true self and say Andy or will he surrender and accept his fate and finally become Amanda.
      Thank you so much

    2. Ah, but Aunt Jane knows that his true self is Amanda, and that Andrew was just a mask to hide behind. Now the mask will drop, and he will become what he was always meant to be.

    3. We can see it was always meant to be, but can we convince our poor Andy of that

  4. What a moment to come out,is he man enough or should i say woman to take it in his stride. The whole media circus is watching .Andy life will change forever.Poor Andy the look on his face is priceless.
    Just smashing as usual
    Hugs and kisses
    Marti xXx

    1. He would need to moderate that stride because those pants will he pulling and rubbing in all the wrong places.
      . Wonderful to hear from you Marti

  5. Sorry that I missed the first set of comments.
    Another beautiful piece of finesse laden artwork.
    Sometimes just too much tho comment, but the other observers have added interesting insights.
    Aunt Jane is looking Regal, as usual.

  6. Oh dear, Aunty does get Andy into some 'unfortunate' scrapes. I'm sure it's just a way of saving on blusher when she does Andy's make-up. She knows that his cheeks will turn crimson some time in the evening.
    Gorgeous artwork. And love the tuxedo and heels outfit although Aunty looks decidedly sexy too.
    S xxxx

  7. Hi Andy. Hope it wasn't so later.
    Andy's look is awesome. He has got a wonderful femenine body!!!
    Xxx, Andrew
