Tuesday 15 November 2016

New art, "The face on the Poster"

Hi Everyone
  Time for some new art and you will notice I am still obsessed with my friends amazing Red Latex Catsuit.
   As ever we find our poor little hero/Heroine struggling to avoid his secret being revealed to all the world and it seems even an innocent walk through his home towns shopping centre (Note the destination on the bus stop) has it's terrors. For dressed and presented as himself, Jane's pretty little Nephew, pet and plaything Andrew, is shocked to come face to face with his own ultra feminine alter ego.
  I'll say no more, but hope this picture will tickle  your imaginative minds.



  1. He may be afraid but I bet at least some of his friends would want to spend more time with him if they knew that was him in the picture.

    1. Hello Joe
      Thank you for commenting and yes I get the feeling one or more would not turn down a date with him.

  2. Another glorious caption to wake up to. I did just took notice that Andy's hair is going toward red while En Drab. He should be more careful as it looks like his left thumb is still varnished in a vibrant red. Or is than an "impact" color. Having his name at the bottom of the advert might not be considered low key either.
    If all that does not reveal his secret, his limp wrist is a glowing tell.
    As for the advertisement itself, he looks stunning. A bit of photo shop for his puppies, or was he injected with saline that will be absorbed into his body over time? I go for photo shop because it also looks as if he has a camel toe or a very painful tuck. I doubt if Aunt Jane would use meds on him at his age, but more likely not to as to not ease his discomfort.
    . . . . and did I say how much I prefer him as a redhead?
    Another one of your top notch offerings. The rest and time away surely has invigorated you.

    1. OMG you spot every detail, yes there is a little red creeping into his hair and yes that nail was a left over from the evening befores duties. As for the name, as she says these were for use in European markets and the fact that the poster I on the bus stop he and his mates use for college is a pure fluke and as far a photo shop is concerned, anything is possible.
      . Many many thanks and best wishes

    2. You bring out the best in me.

    3. I'd say that Aunt Jane has been making sure his special "vitamins" are taken regularly every day, and there will be no surgery until the day Andy asks for it.

    4. Bless you Lee, it is always nice to read such fun comment's xx
      . You are right RH no surgery vitamins and let nature find a way.

  3. I wish I was with aunt Jane...

    1. You never know who is around the corner, or sitting in the same cafe as you.

  4. If you had more room, you could have had one of Andy's friends say how hot the model in the ad was.

    1. Perhaps a wonderful continuation.

    2. As a now famous model, Andy will definitely be going on a publicity tour. One of his appearances will more than likely be in his home town at a couple of local stores. Plenty of opportunity for his friends/fans to come and gaze at their "fantasy woman".

    3. Again another super idea, I mean it must ne in the contract small print

    4. I'm waiting for his first television commercial.

      "Red, Slick and Hot. Vinyl Gloss is what I always wear...or I wear nothing else."

    5. Excellent idea of yours about Andy having to go on a promotional tour! I think his friends would at that stage be in awe of their 'fantasy woman', but perhaps one of them would have enough courage to ask 'her' for 'her' autograph? Heh heh heh!

    6. RH you should be in advertising, I'd buy that, XX
      You seriously think any of them would have the nerve pl, I don't, but rumor has it a similar poster went missing from a bus stop and is adorning the bedroom wall of one of the boys even as we speak. XX

    7. With Aunt Jane acting as his manager, who knows how far his career will go.

    8. His future is very much in her hands...what a place to be.

  5. How does Andy hide those "twin girls" in the poster when he's in his boy clothes? I agree: he's much more attractive feminized and his friends would be much more attentive to him/her if they made the connection. Aunt Jane is so naughty: she's about to reveal poor Andy's secret, but which of his friends could resist those glossy lips as smooth, slick and shiny as his gorgeous latex catsuit? I love it! Such a nice present, Andy, thank you for sharing your talent and imagination. XX

    1. Hi honey, many many thank for such wonderful comments and ideas. I am so glad you like amy work, your kindness inspires me to do more.
      Do you think she knows Andys friends are there. 😉

  6. Hi Andy. I love Aunt Jane with mule heels. I think she can put them in Andy's feet, too!!!!

  7. Embarrassment might now follow, but it does look like Andy was very much enjoying the moment during the shot. A long term contract must beckon.
    S xxx

    1. As Jane said, he did get awfully hot in that Latex....awfully hot in every way

  8. Another marvellous picture of Andy's ongoing feminisation - and embarrassment. I'd guess that Aunt Jane, while she's intent on embarrassing Andy, doesn't know his friends are there. It's 'coincidence', one of tricks that Fate loves playing on the poor boy that they happen to turn up at just this moment!

    Mm I think we'd all agree that red hair suits Andy best. At this stage it must be a wig, but later Andy will have to let his own hair grow long, and dye it, won't he?

    As for the name on the bus stop - I'm guessing this is Brighton.

    1. Well done with the destination Honey XXX
      I think you are right, Jane never expected to see Andy appear before her, so not noticing his friends is forgivable,
      I like red. I think it is his destiny.
