Wednesday 29 June 2016

Emma in Latex, has the curse spread?

The title of our piece today says it all and it is with a duty to our readers we report the following startling events.

Hi Everyone,
  Amanda Keira here reporting from the fabulous Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met)Gala,here in beautiful New York. And what an evening of glamour and beauty it was, however it was an evening marred by an outbreak of the curse , the name of which even we at Smoothslicknshiny dare not speak its name following my very own hot pant incident at a club last week.
  The outbreak was as ever directly centred on the  26 year old Paris born British actress Emma Watson around whom the curse first manifested in early 2011. However this time it was not only she who suffered it's direct effects, with  superstar singer Beyonce right and Model Bella Hadid Left also suffering Latexification events,both of whom had been seen chatting with Miss Watson early in the evening.
  The former's Givenchy  gown transforming into a near transparent flesh tone early in the evening followed by Model Bella Hadid who stood out at the after event party in what was a clearly a very freshly Latexofied little black dress.
   However it was left to the eternally elegant  Emma Watson to once more to grab the media spotlight when it seemed her sensational black and white ball gown was consumed by the curses power, forcing the beautiful, if rather embarrassed, actress to attend the after event Party in what was a stunning skintight black and Gold military accented outfit, made up of close fitting, high collared, deep buttoned jacket and impossibly tight black latex pants, slipped into Gold trimmed high gloss, black riding boots. 
 I did my best as the guest left in the early hours to grab a word from Miss Watson, however all I got was a word, a single word and a knowing look and that word? was "Hot"
  Well yes you were Emma, Hot as ever in every way.

From New York this is, Amanda Keira Louboutin.

Personal note.
  Hi Amanda K here, I would like to take this oppotunity to thank the patrons and staff of Boop! night club for their understanding regarding my own, shrinking, curse affected, Rubberized, hot-pants and for Cindy, Ellie,Marie and Charlotte for their aid in removing them .


  1. Your story are so awesome and your is MA-GNI-FI-CENT \^3^/

    1. Hello Emil, that is so sweet of you thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to comment

    2. Oooh thank you for have view my comment ♡♡
      Your emma fake are so beautiful and wonderful \♡3♡/

    3. You are very welcome Emil, I try to read and reply to all comments. It is only polite,
      Best wishes

  2. Another amazing offering from Ms. Amanda K. She is always at the fore, bringing us news fresh from the source. It seems to me that Ms. Watson is feeling the stress. I can only imagine what the fashion icon was wearing before it turned.
    I hope she gets better soon and the curse is lifted.

    1. Sentiments we all share Lee. The moment Amanda K called be to inform me of her own encounter with the curse, i began to realise it had gotten serious.
      Best wishes

    2. Poor Emma and poor Amanda K. So lucky for AmandaK that Cindy, Ellie,Marie and Charlotte were all on hand to help. It must have been such a relief for her to get out of her rubber panties with their assistance. Truly fortunate to have them on hand to help with the stickiness. xx

    3. And to think I am paying her expense account and I still have not had her review of Boop!

  3. Oh, come on now. Having just returned from a lie down at the doctor's explaining about how I may have been cursed and what happens? This! Aaagh! It's happening again and is your fault. 'Don't visit the site',. he said.
    'Can't help myself' says I.
    'Get out of my office' says he.

    Get the feeling he doesn't fully understand.


    1. There is disbelief everywhere, even our own Amanda K was not truly convinced until the incident with the hotpants.
      All I hope Birdie, is you did not give to many details away, your Doc might succumb to proffesional curiously and visit.
      Don't worry we understand and are always on stand by to help out.

  4. how to I catch that curse...? please?

    1. Hi Asudem, Great to hear from you.
      Gaze at these Emma Images too long or in fact reblog them and see what happens. I can think of worse things that could happen.

  5. The Emma photomanipulation is superb. First impression was: "OMG she is really dressed in latex, I love her more than I normally do." Then I understood it was a fake, but such a beautiful one. Thank you to let my heart beat faster and joyful for a little while.

    1. I do like to make people stop and wonder just for a moment, is that real, is she really wearing that. It is all down to finding the right match. Some of my images have been spread so wide they are taken as fact.
      Thank you for visiting.
