Monday 15 February 2016

Original art by Christeen

Hi Everyone
  Some exciting news.
  As some or many of you may be aware Carol Jean at Petticoat Punishment has had to cut space on her site, sadly having to lose the superb art work of Christeen in the proccess, whilst over at Petticoated monthly Aunt Helga publishes just one exclusive piece per month.
  Well in the last few days, I was hugely honoured and flattered to have Christeen herself  contact me asking if i might be able to help keep her art alive and visible. Oh My Gosh!! me?. I have been a fan of Christeens art for ages and it has been a major influence on my own art and writings and shares the same sweet gentle nature,(I imagine her sweet Chris and my Poor Andy share the same world).  Naturally I agreed and so from today I shall be posting one set of her work per week right here on my blog.
  And so with out further ramblings I give you......Christeen




  1. Thank you for the listing. She had so much that went away. I hope you have plenty of space.


    1. Christeen looks set to send me so much art. I missed it too.
      Thank you my friend

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Perhaps Chrissy's mentors will cross paths with Aunt Jane and her cohorts. Andi may have need of Chrissy's school for a bit.
      I think less of the shackles and more of the Princess/ Prom Queen. That could round out Andi's training.
      You are a lucky Lady to have been offered such bounty. Looking forward to some favorites.
      Stay safe

    4. Hi Lee
      Yes I can see Andy and Chris meeting up at some point in the future, I mean the opportunity is to good to miss as was the chance to share Christeens work with you all.
      Funnily i have been working on a new prom dress for Andy

  2. Thank you for posting Christeen's art since Carole Jean had to downsize and Auntie Helga only does one a month. One a week! Wowie! And this along with your fantastic work of Andy that I've been following for years. Andy and Chris??? What a superb combination! Thank you again!

    1. Hello Fcobra
      Thank you for your excitement and support, it is a honor to be able to help keep Chris in petticoats.
      Best wishes and thanks

  3. Fantastic News.....
    can't wait to see all Christeen's work in one more place.
    Hopefully she has a backlog from the past few months...
    Thank you both for deciding to do this...

    1. The pleasure is all mine Miki, I too have missed Christeens art and now i have the total delight of having it dropped straight into my inbox and then sharing it with you all.
      Stay tuned

  4. What a great move. And the suggestion of Andy and Chris meeting would be wonderful. (Just hope some of Christeen's work doesn't feature the too young.)

  5. Love the Art and those brief captions suggest quite a story is going on. Look forward to seeing more.

    1. Packing detail into a few words is a real skill.
      Thanks Throne

  6. I meant to comment on this sooner, but I am happy to see that Christeen has a new outlet for her work. Christeen was basically the only reason I had for visiting the Petticoat Punishment site on a regular basis. I can only imagine what a tremendous honor it must have been to be the one chosen to carry on posting her stuff.

    1. I was and am hugely flattered Christeen even knew of my art, so yes it is a massive honour to present her art.

  7. From Sweet Sissy Stevie,

    Andy, this is great news, I have long been a fan of Christeen and poor sweet Chris in his gorgeous costumes. I look forward to Andy and Chris meeting, both beautifully feminized and dressed to the nines! Prom dresses for both would be great.

    Love and XXX


    1. Hi Sweetie
      Thank you so very much I am so happy to help keep Chris in petticoats and i have no doubt He and Andy are destined to meet.
      Currently working on a prom dress type episode now, kind of personal sentimental piece.
      My very best wishes to you Stevie

  8. Wonderful.
    The disappearance of the art of christeen from petticoat discipline's site was a hard event. But I'remember a similiar closing a long time ago. I'hope it'll start again, so, am really happy seeing some new pictures in your website today !
    This work is far the best about sissy and I'appreciate it since years. Thanks to christeen.
    I also much appreciate andy latex, It seems to me much familiar... but with latex. Number two, for the moment.
    Thank you both for your works.

    1. Only Number 2? well there's a thing. Only joking. I am glad to offer a home to christeen and so happy you like my art too

  9. One awfull day, christeen's art vanished from its site.
    The hearts were broken and a darkness' age was coming.
    But there was one last shiny light of hope for the desesperated sissy lovers. This hope was Andy's site. From there,the light could maybe rise again. And I'hope it has !

    1. I will do my very best to keep Christeen's light shining out for you all

  10. So glad I was able to locate your site again - I assumed Christeen was posting somewhere else, but I couldn't figure out where. Thanks for supporting her amazing artwork!
