Monday 8 February 2016

New Art. "The long walk"

Hi Everyone
  Hope you are all super well. I have had a really super weekend, met my friend and lover (oh yes) in London for the night, she was over from France and we had a super time being outrageously flirtly with each other in the hotel restaurant. I have probably mentioned before that she is a few years older than me and the thrill of people seeing us together as a couple has never diminished.
 Anyway when I got home I could not really relax so I got to work, However my head was still in London and so, needing inspiration, I did something I have been wanting to do for an age, which is revisit one of my very first pieces and recreated using my, hopefully, increased skills.
  The original featured our poor hero/Heroine in a briefer French style uniform, but for the new I wanted poor Andy squeezed into a sleeker, tighter dress, one that would not only embarrass, but add to his shame by forcing him to exaggerate his  every movement into an ultra feminine wiggle.
 Also I add the now mandatory phone coverage, which goes with every walk of life these days, something which amazingly was almost unheard of when i did the first one.
  Anyway poor Andys shame will be up on YouTube before his polished heels have carried him to the 6th form girls dorm, to begin his punishment.
  Hoe you like it
Big Hugs and kisses


  1. Ouhhh. Andy is in trouble. That dress is so tight. But poor Andy shows control in this hiheels and he swaggers deliciously. I love this tuning exercise. Encourage you to do with other, like "over the cover".
    Warm wishes!!!

    1. Hi Andrew
      That is very sweet of you, thank you and I shall very much bare "Over the counter" for a remake.

    2. Oohh Sorry!!! I am embarrased!!!. It was the counter.
      I sent you a message in your Gmail box about your Biancas loubotin. Have you read it?.

    3. The remake of "over the counter" can be 1 minute after the original art, please???.
      Thanks, Andrew

    4. I would love to see Andy over the counter in his best position!!!

    5. Hello Andrew
      One minute Later poor Andy will be panting for breath and a little dizzy. Sounds like fun to me

  2. Aww heck, you have done it again. Please give my thanks to your friend and lover for filling you with renewed inspiration. She must be a unique talent.
    I think Andrew has been a bad boy and the girls have given him a taste of what the help must go through. I think he may have a good deal of difficulty getting out of that outfit when the time comes. Though, after a time he may slink into the mindset after being treated as he is dressed for so long.
    As always you are a treasure.
    I love his short hair. Perhaps by days end he will earn a tiara for all his hard work.
    Yay !

    1. A nice tight dress is a delight to peel off, or indeed have peeled off one.
      Thank you Lee, it is aleays a delight to read your comments and you are right, I think once the 6th form girls get their Maid behind closed doors they will educate him in a way that he would never wish to leave. A choice to leave them or to stay, of cause that would mean his being moved into the Girls side of the school, Ah but that is another story....

    2. Sorry meant to say, her name is Sheila and she is so amazingly wonderful and I will say hello from you.

    3. Thank you, My Dear
      A pleasure to read that you enjoyed my remarks. Looking forward to reading "another story". Chapter after chapter of poor Andi's fate. Deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. An education is an important thing even if it takes the tangent of several vicious girls, and the strong will of Aunt Jane. Andy is lost. Andi has arrived.
      Indeed, my heartfelt thanks to Ms. Sheila


    4. I shall pass on your message to Sheila, though the last thing she would want is to become an Internet sensation "l.o.l"

  3. Lovely as ever. I would have suggested that you have a couple less characters in the picture, and at least one wondering if Andy was free on Saturday night.

    1. Hi RH for your kind words. You Say less characters and i mean this as one creative to another, do you think the main character is diminished within a group or is it simply that i could work quicker with less characters, because believe me it is my obsessive attention to background that slows me most.
      Thanks again

    2. Andy gets a little lost in the crowd in a one frame picture. If this was a series of pictures then I could see him encountering a variety of people.

      Don't get me wrong. It's still a pleasure to view.

    3. Thanks RH and I mean it. I think I needed to compress the frame to keep Andy in the centre of things, as opposed to spreading things out.
      Thanks again

    4. Sometimes less is more. Mr. "Fucking hell" and his companion may not have been needed.

      BTW..Have anything in mind for a St Valentine's Day pic? Andy only in a few red latex hearts carefully glued on, being taken to a party by Aunt Jane?

    5. I was looking to make Andys humiliation as wide and as public as possible, but i really get what you say. Thank you my friend.
      As for Valentines, I had not had any plans, time is against me, but damn i like that idea.

  4. Interesting background to me. Four lads in possibly school colors. Two matching in suits and two matching in leisure wear. Plus one taking a picture that will probably be used as blackmail if Andy ever reclaims his masculinity.
    Good thought though.

    1. 4? I count 6, and those out of uniform are wearing the same college colours i used to wear. I do have an education you know.
      Thanks Lee, always a delight to hear from you.

    2. Four and the photographer. Are you counting Andi? or am I blind.
      I assumed that you were a well educated Lad/Lady. It shows through in your writing and talents. Keep on stretching those boundaries.

    3. ah ! I missed the window, thought it was a photograph on the wall. My bad. You are perfect as expected.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Aha! The details. I wanted Andy to be really exposed, no way of getting from his dorm to the girls without that walk across the Quad with all to see.
      So glad you took the time to go and re examine it.Bless you Lee

  5. Hi Andy,

    In all his perceived misfortune, isn't Andrew the lucky one.


    1. Hi Erika, Hope you are well.
      That is one way to look at it, though I have no doubt poor Andy, in his shiny skintight dress here, is probably thinking not.

  6. Has Andy ever looked lovelier? So nice that Miss Nugent has helped with Andy's make-up although she may have had to insist initially. I wonder how manay Facebook 'likes' Andy will get?

    1. Ah Miss Nugent, or Sally as we fans know her,(one for us British viewers there) though the character here does not bare her likeness here, that is definitely her body and legs .
      As for facebook, heaven knows

  7. The guys are NOT going to let Andy forget this little misadventure. Caught in the girls' dorm? "Let the punishment fit the crime".

    1. Hi Throne
      So nice to hear from you, A sever your comments add fun to the place.
      Bless you
