Thursday 23 April 2015

Emma Watson Leathers up in Paris

   Well she may have had her struggles with the bizarre Latexium curse over the past few years, but it seem British Actress and style icon Emma Watson is perfectly willing to show her own raunchy side with this leather outfit worn for a night out in the French capital Paris this past weekend.
  Hi This is Amanda Keira for Smooth Slick n Shiny, here once more to bring you the latest update on our favorite English Rose'.            Well it was a warm spring evening in the heart of Paris, when heads turned and cameras flashed, as the ever elegant Miss Emma Watson, rocked the leather look with maximum effect. Looking sleek and stunning with simple hair and understated sexy make up, emphasized with lips glossed in her own Lancome "Rouge In Love" collection, Emma was happy to show off her toned body and much admired long legs in a stunning black leather dress and matching Biker jacket. Slit and unzipped to her thigh and cut low across the bust the dress was clearly designed to highlight the young actresses blossoming and confident sexuality.                          It is not the first time Emma has worn Leather, it was and remains a staple of her understated style.  It is also known to be one of the only defenses against the dark arts of the Latexium curse, Countering its bizarre ability to transform any outfit she wear into shiny smooth Latex rubber.                                            However, it has come to our attention that perhaps, the use of Leather as a counter to Latex, might indeed be the desire of the curse itself. We here at S.S.n.S Headquarters have examined this theory and believe, if the curse wants in some way to influence  Miss Watsons' image and sexuality by manipulation of her style and wardrobe, leading her to believe she has some semblance of control by the wearing of leather might just be playing into the curses clutches. A Hollywood A lister and one of the worlds most beautiful women, bound forever to wear leather, or doomed enslaved to Latex. Control or a double curse? Either way we here at S.S.n.S Towers will keep you informed.
  For SmoothSlick'n'Shiny I am Amanda Keira.
   With Love


  1. What an interesting turn of events, but I must say, what a stunning outcome.

    1. Hi Anon,
      Sorry for slow reply. Yes the world of Miss Watson gets more bizarre. Please stay tuned.

  2. She has truly come a long way from the little girl in the Harry Potter series. She has grown up on the screen for all the world to see. even more fortunate are the roles she has chosen in other films during and after HP to show her talents.
    Always a class act and the tabloids have treated her well. Thankfully.
    A great thanks for Ms Amanda Keira for her latest post. Too bad she could not get an interview as well.
    Well done

    1. Hi Lee
      It is wonderful to see what a level headed lady she is, sespite the ever present worry of the curse. I have asked Amanda K if an interview could be arranged and will get her to ask Emma some of my readers questions.
      Details to follow.

  3. Ah, fascinating!... Quite interesting news: The curse does not only what to alter Ms Watson's appearance, style and image, but her very beeing, her sexuality itself. Leaving her only the choice between forced latex slavery (which I would prefer) or self-induced leather dependence might indeed be a good way to achieve that goal. Do we, by any chance, know if Ms Watson has felt any change recently - concerning her intimate desires and dreams? I agree with Lee: An interview might be a good idea... can we not kindly address Ms Amanda Keira to seek an interview with Ms Watson on a more private occasion? She might casually mention to Ms Watson during their conversation that people who habitually wear latex clothing are quite know to feel certain... urges. Even if Ms Watson is not inclined to give a full answer, her reaction might be taletelling anyway... Oh, and by the way: Do we know how Ms Watson deals with the curse when not beeing seen in public, i.e. when one normally wears casual clothes, night gowns or such? This might also be a good question to ask - given the right occasion, of course!

    Anyway, as usual: My best regards, and many thanks for your great efforts!!!



    1. Hi Peter,
      It has become a further reaching curse than at first thought. As i said to Lee, I will try to get Amanda K to get and interview as soon as possible and put some of your questions to her. Amanda has said to me Emma has a new glow about her in the last few meetings and put that down to the curses inluence.
      Thank you for your kind words.
      Best wishes

  4. Those shoes are to die for.

    1. Your looking at the shoes??? Wow.

    2. Jennifer Wilson30 April 2015 at 23:55

      I usually start at the "bottom" and work my way up.

    3. Oh I understand Jennifer. If you would not mind sliding that zipper up just a little more on your way up those legs, that would be great.

  5. Leather or latex, her fans will still swoon.
