Friday 15 August 2014

New Art.

  Hi Everyone
  Here is the New Art I promised. Poor Andy is back in uniform and in the grip of forces beyond his cute feminized control.
  Hope you like it.


  1. I do like it, and am glad that your sauciness is still intact after the recent testing times.XX

    1. Hi Birdie
      Sauciness very much intact and flowing. Thank you my dear Birdie, for this and those Emails. Bless you

  2. TMI Alert...

    Srangely enough... if I were in Andy's shoes, and I dream about it every day... I would be playing with the remote non stop!

    1. Naughty naughty, would not blame you though.
      Thanks Brian

  3. Wonderful, simply wonderful ! You are back to your old form. I hope that the bad times are behind you and the memories will fade over time. They may not go away, but the fog of time will blur the sharp edges. You are too young and with a loving heart to allow your inner beauty and talent to be surpressed.
    Thank you for all of your hard work. You are appreciated. As either Andi, Amanda or both. Two souls sharing one vessel. Both a unique talent.
    Stay safe

    1. Dark stuff, fading in the light, time for all of me to play.
      I will be away visiting my friends soon but really want to publish a post as Amanda Keira, ace reporter.
      As for the itvr part of your comment, I feel deeply touched and humbled that you think that if me. The thought of bringing a smile and joy to others via ny own pleasure is such an honour.
      Bless you Lee
      stay safe.

    2. Ms A. Keira:
      . . . . and play you will after a brief respite, vacation and/or down time. Enjoy yourself as you have earned any pleasures you may grasp. Take the companionship of good friends, good wine and good conversation to heart. You will be missed, but you deserve it.

      Looking forward to your offering of Ms. Amanda Keira, ace reporter and all the talent she possesses. Crack the hard ones and keep us on the edge of our seats. A real blow by blow? With a bit of the latex thrown in for good measure.
      Stay safe and be well

    3. Thank you so much Lee,.ill be away for a few days from Friday. My friends have a few plans for me but i will keep them to myself as i do now wish to jinx them. I received an Email from my Girlfriend in France (she maybe twice my age but she acts like a teenager) with some pics of what maybe planned and i am heart poundingly excited. All i will say is i need to hit the sunbed for a nice top-up.
      Thank you again Lee and I hope Amanda Keira will fill in the details.
      XX XX XX
      Take care

  4. hola amanda-andy. llevo mucho tiempo buscandolos. los amo amo a amanda y amo a andy, eres genial y maravillosa, tu imaginacion es un don un regalo, usalo, se feliz con el.
    mi ingles es muy malo pero tratare de hablar en ingles luego,
    en mi mente yo soy igual a andrew, y me encantaria pasar por las aventuras de ella, mi pregunta es : andrew el personaje de tus dibujos, tiene orgasmos o los tiene reprimidos,
    well , see you later. my name is sissy only, and my email is
    pd: I love the the adventures of andy

    1. hola amanda-andy. llevo mucho tiempo buscandolos. los amo amo a amanda y amo a andy, eres genial y maravillosa, tu imaginacion es un don un regalo, usalo, se feliz con el.
      mi ingles es muy malo pero tratare de hablar en ingles luego,
      en mi mente yo soy igual a andrew, y me encantaria pasar por las aventuras de ella, mi pregunta es : andrew el personaje de tus dibujos, tiene orgasmos o los tiene reprimidos,
      well , see you later. my name is sissy only, and my email is
      pd: I love the the adventures of andy

    2. Hola y muchas gracias por su amable comentario. Mi español es muy malo, pero espero que lo entiendas. Estoy feliz de que disfruten de mi arte y estoy feliz de que en ella se inspiraron.

  5. hello amanda-andy. I have long been looking for them. I love love love amanda and andy are great and wonderful, your imagination is a gift a gift, use it, be happy with.
    My English is very bad but I'll try to speak in English then
    in my mind I'm just like andrew, and I love to go through the adventures of her, my question is: andrew your character drawings have orgasms or have repressed
    well, see you later. my name is sissy only, and my email is
    PS: I love the the adventures of andy

    1. Hello,
      Thank you for your kind comment, your English is very good, better than my spanish. I am so happy you like my art, The charecter of Andy has orgasms, Aunt Jane would never deny him them, the more thrill he gets from being Amanda, The more he will willingly remain feminine.
      Thank you again.

  6. I love the irony of Andy getting overstimulated because so many macho guys are watching football. He appears ready to swoon.

    1. Yes yes, that was what i was aiming at. Thank you Throne for reading it so well.
      Bless you
