Sunday 25 May 2014

New Art. The Gown

  Hi Everyone
      Here we are back in store once again, this time though with a twist.
    Is the wonderfully naughty Jane really buying a New gown for her sweetly feminized nephew, or is she secretly auditioning for a second sissy Maid for her household. Well It's up to you dear reader. X
   Naughty Aunt Jane.
Hope you like this. Take care abdca million thanks.



  1. My, my. It will be interesting to see how Will looks. Andy will be surprised especially if Aunt Jane decides to a take a selfie with Will alongside her. Andy will be envious ... but also rather hopeful that he might be seeing Will again soon.

    1. perhaps Jane is not searching for a gown for Andy, but for something very special indeed.

  2. Is no young boy safe with these two? Poor thing seems powerless to refuse. If Andy's not envious then I certainly am. Beautiful twist, beautiful gown. A part 2? What a lovely start to my Sunday morning. Thanks again.

  3. Yes, love it too! Would love to see it on Will... :-)

    1. Hi Anon and thank you for your kind words.

  4. Is that girl on the right on mannequin? She looks a bit staggered.

    1. perhaps the mannaquin is the victim of another secret plot line.

  5. Will's look of upset and surprise is exactly right. Perhaps he'll wind up with Andy, the two of them dressed in twin outfits. And then...?

    1. .....and then? What? two embarrassed sissy maids nervously polishing each others latex clad bodies? oh my.

  6. Jennifer Wilson26 May 2014 at 07:45

    The mannequin in the long red gown looks remarkably like Andy, in fact I am sure it is him, sorry her. So my thoughts are that Aunt Jane is training young Andy in the precise art of modeling gowns, and if so she is doing a wonderful job.
    Brilliant work Andy, keep it up, we all love you.

    1. and I love you all and your kind and exciting comments.
      Your have the naughtiest imagination Jennifer. Thank you so much.

  7. Wow.Aunty Jane traps her next victim .
    This is totally left ball what a story twist brill!.Andy the mannequin as a part time job, its Andy's double.Yet again super artwork and a super story line.Keep the flag flying ...Brilliant
    lots of love xxx

    1. Hi Martin
      I imagined the mannaquin being modelled on Andy, not being him. The story behind the creation of an Andy Mannaquin is another tale.
      So very happy to know you like my art. I am always humbled by the praise for it.
      Thank you

  8. I am gonna be my usual annoying, nit-picky self and remark on how difficult it is, upon first glance, to determine the proper order in which the dialogue is meant to be read- everything seems backwards. As always, however, I at least appreciate the general idea behind this piece.

    1. Top to bottom, left to right,.back to front. Which ever wad you fancy Rocket, perhaps it is an ingenious trap to make people read it again and Again.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Dear Andy

    I once logged in here with a fake account.. to remain exceptionally anonymous. Who am I kidding. People here will read it and if they know me, then it might be the start of something special.

    I read your story "The guiding Hand" and I fell so much in love with Aunt Jane, and my desire to be Andy... Well I took the story, imported it into MS Word, corrected grammar... proofed it and printed it up and I keep the story and illustrations on my nightstand, and read it every few months.

    I am old now :( 51 and well past the age of transformation, but I have been dressing since I was 3 years old., and due to an incident in kindergarten, combined with my mild dyslexia, I spent most of my young life believing that I would grow up into a beautiful woman.

    Your story makes me cry because I did not have an Aunt Jane to take me and transform me as your fictional Andy was.

    It breaks my heart and fills me with the desire, that even now, I want to begin my own transformation.

    I just need to discover my own Aunt Jane to give me my guiding hand.

    Hugs. Love, and Kisses.


    If you would ever be interested, I wrote a transformation story... it is about the length of a small book.


    1. Hi Brian,
      Wow, it is so nice to here your comments about The Guiding Hand, It is a very special story for me as it has allowed me to blend fiction with fact. Some elements are very very special to me, especially in the Will character.
      I really hope you can find the space and nerve to express your self in anyway you desire, but take care and be safe That is most important of all.
      I would be interested in reading a little of your writing, I am always looking for inspiration.
      Bless you for your kind words and I greatly appreciate your trust In me. Please stay in touch.

      Correct my Grammar, What a cheek LOL

  11. I just wish that I had your artistic skills so that I could illustrate my book and try to publish it for real.
