Wednesday 30 April 2014

Emma Watson. Late X file. Latexium event?

  Hi Everyone.
   Live from SmoothSlicknShinys high speed transport platform, hurtling through the southern English  countryside. (Thats the train to you and I and believe me it ain't hurtling nowhere fast) We bring you a new update.
      Well it has been a while, but here at S.S.n.S our investigation into the bizarre Latexium curse which has affected British Actress Emma Watson over the last year, shows no sign of coming to an end.
   Yesterday whilst sifting through a pile of sightings and images of Miss Watson,our investigator Keira Amanda came across this startling image
   The picture clearly purports to  show Miss Watson in the grip of a Latexium event. The gloss black blouse showing all the familiar traits of having been transformed into ultra thin and highly polished  Latex rubber.
  However Keira Amanda has discovered that this image was taken some three years ago,at least a year before any previous event was reported. No further investigating could unveil whether this was indeed a Latexium event or in truth an unexpected twist in the tale.
  And so with that in mind, we here are S.S.n.S can not stamp this as an official report of Garmentia Latexium.
  It is, in all truth, an open LateX file.
The truth is out there (but we won't catch it on this train, oh goody another station. No rush guys)
Take care all


  1. A definite case for Mulder and Scully. (Let's hope Cerys Matthews doesn't succumb similarly to Ms Watson. Oh, dear! She already has )
    What is it with this curse? Pervasive or what?

  2. It is enough to give you "Road Rage" :-)
    dear S
