Friday 7 June 2013

WARNING!... Latexium spreads

     Hi Everyone,
           Our ace reporter in the field has gained proof that the Latxeium curse which has been affecting British Actress Emma Watson has spread!
     Following last weeks video evidence which suggested Actress Gemma Aterterton had fallen under its control, reports which she denies having issued a statement claiming she chose to wear the skirt because, quote "she likes PVC"., Our reporter Capricious Amber was on hand personally to capture this image of Actress and friend of this blog Keira Knightley, suffering a minor but clear out break of the Latexium curse.

It is with great thanks to Amber that we can show this image as, by being in such close proximity to an affected person, she has run the risk of infection herself. Thank you Amber.

Hot off the wires....  Latest information has come to light that the shocking image below, is in fact the first captured image of the Latexium curse.
  We at SmoothSlick'n'Shiny believe this photograph of Emma Watson attending the final Harry Potter première was taken just minutes after the first affects were experienced. 

It was reported at the time that Miss Watsons choice of outfit was a deliberate attempt to step away from the clean cut image of Hermione Granger, the character she had played in the hugely successful series since an very young age and present a more cutting edge and adult image. However we can now exclusively reveal this was in fact the Garmentia Latexium curse in action. 
   The outbreak was reported to have caused Miss Watson great shock and distress as it was said it took 10 to 15 minutes for the black silk Jacket and Skirt she was wearing to turn into tight shiny latex rubber and it was only her professional composure, and desire not to disappoint fans who had waited hours to glimpse their heroine, that prevented her withdrawing from the event .

    Reports are now coming in from all around the world and so we ask, if anyone out there has any other proof that this curse has spread and is affecting others please let us know. But please be careful, do not approach too close, because you could be next.................... YOU COULD BE NEXT!!!!!!!!


  1. Well done brave Agent Amber. And thank you Andy for your continued research and warnings about the Garmentia Latexium curse. Your fortitude and bravery should be rewarded. I propose a relaxing week in Lyon where you should be safe.

  2. Hi darling,
    thanks for mentioning me in your news review, I am very honored and will remain on the lookout for new information! You will be warned first if I have a new scoop!
