Tuesday 21 February 2012

Mystery art

Hi everyone,
 Just a quick post. I found this in my inbox, but could not reply to the sender. So if this was from you Joe, please contact me again, because i would love to know where the pic is from and who it is by, because it is very simple, yet tells  story.
So thanks Joe.

Now revealed by a visitor to be the work of RocketDave at deviantart
Go take a look.


  1. Rocket Dave on devient art

  2. See that is what happens when you don't concentrate. I looked at that pic and thought i know that but could not think from where.
    Of cause it is the wonderful RocketDave. Thanks for the heads-up.

  3. As this is one of the blogs I'm subscribed to, how surreal it would have been if I'd seen one of my own images among your updates prior to reading your message on deviantART in which you alerted me to your having posted it. I'm flattered you like the piece enough to upload it here, Andy.

  4. Not at all Dave, i think your work is, simple and clean and if i may i would like to post a couple more.
    Thanks again
