There is another version of this, which includes my original vignette, written to keep the idea fresh in my mind as I created the art work.
This is a blog about Kinky stuff, at no point are any of the characters under the age of consent. This is the story of a young man discovering his true self with the guidance of a loving and understanding Aunt. It is a tricky world for those who are searching for identity and we should all offer our love and support to those who are struggling.
Monday, 30 May 2022
New Art. The Fountain of Youth
There is another version of this, which includes my original vignette, written to keep the idea fresh in my mind as I created the art work.
Friday, 27 May 2022
Fantastic Friday from Christeen
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Wednesday round up returns
Monday, 23 May 2022
New Art. Fucking Bounty Hunters.
Friday, 20 May 2022
Christeen's Friday Feast
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
New Art . Pony Boy Andy. A Stable Existence. The Final part
Set on the fringes of the desert, the little airports to the east of LA have a charm lacking in LAX. The flying experience is so much more relaxed: low traffic, ease of access, few flights, open air baggage claim, quiet lounges. And discreet. Private flights are handled with minimal checks. Very discreet.
A black limousine with smoked glass windows towing a horsebox was ushered through a side gate in the metal lattice fence and directed on to the apron towards the Pilatus that was already crewed and waiting. Anyone watching from lounge window or the control tower might have seen the vehicle sweep to the far side of the plane but that is all they would observed. Hidden by the fuselage, they would not have seen the chauffeuse, a stern lady in over-buttoned leather jacket and trousers and a military looking peaked cap get out and open a rear door of the limo. They would have failed to spot an elegant dagger-heeled boot extend from the door on to the baking tarmac. If they could have followed the leg upwards, they would have seen a mature, grey haired lady wearing tight shiny pants and high boots, disembark from the back of the limo. She lowered the rear flap of the horsebox. In only a few moments she was leading a hooded figure in a long black flowing cape down the ramp and up the steps into the executive jet where they were greeted by a stewardess.
A couple of minutes later the stewardess reappeared at the hatch and indicated that other passengers could board too. The chauffeuse brought bags from the trunk and loaded them into the hatch behind the wing. She came back with an attaché case that she passed to someone in the rear of the limo. There was another pause and then a confident looking lady in a grey business suit got out of the car and went to the steps.
While the business lady seated herself and the stewardess took her drinks order, her colleague finished talking to a naked figure devoid of its cape now curled up in a basket at the back of the cabin. “Dreenk this, Mees Andy and go to sleep.” The figure raised himself slightly, took two tablets from her hand, sipped a glass of water and swallowed. She placed blankets over him and made sure he was snug. “You vill vake up where it is varm. You vill like my country. They like ponies in my country. Many horses, many ponies. Many ladies. Dream of ponies, my sweet Mees Andy. Dream, Mees Andy.”
She went forward to the body of the cabin and took one of the wide rear-facing seats so that she could maintain a watch on her special passenger. On the other side of the aisle sat the business lady. “He is zettled. Already very zleepy. No trouble.”
In the background, so it didn’t intrude, the stewardess started the safety briefing and the Pilatus started to taxi to the end of the runway. The chauffeuse closed the back of the horsebox and returned to the limo. Any watchers would have seen the limo remerge from behind the Pilatus and head back to the gate in the fencing.
“I’ve checked the down payment,” said the lady in the grey suit. “It’s all there. Fahrerin Helga will deposit it in the vault. We just need to make sure of the second payment before we hand him over. You’ll make see he’s no trouble when we arrive.”
“Zure. I vill give him horse tranquilizer before we land. He vill zleep through Customs. No-one vill look at puppy sleeping in basket. Ve vill be at Sheikh’s ranch before he wakes up.”
“Will the Sheikh be happy with his purchase?”
“Yez. Mees Andy is worth it. Best pony I ever train. Lovely gift for Shaykhah and zuperb addition to Stud Farm.”
“And the breeding?”
“There vill be no problems. They have zeen all the competitions he has won. They have zeen all his Rosettes and have tested DNA. They know he is fertile. Zissy pony zemen highly prized in East. Why Sheikh paid zuch high price. In Vest, usually second or third zons make good zissies, but East prefer thoroughbred.”
“But Andrew Watson isn’t a thoroughbred?”
“No, but Mees Andy very zpecial. They vill try to take zemen and store for breeding programme. They vill vont to start new zissy pony bloodline. Other stables will pay much for zemen of star pony. Sheikhs vont ponies for daughters when they grow up, and for their harem. Stud farms want to export to Far East and to oligarchs.”
“And will they be successful?
“No. Mees Andy vill not be producing zemen or only very leetle. Along with his vaccinations before the flight, ve give ‘vitamin shot’. Tiny pellet will release slowly in him. He will win new rosette today and produce a lot when libido still high but nothing after. Maybe a leetle near the end of his stay but only a leetle. Ve vill be able to harvest plenty of zemen when ve have him back. Ve can zell to highest bidder, if ve wont.”
“Won’t they be surprised?”
“They will think it change of stables. Change of country. Change of climate. They will try ways to excite him. Best zemen always when sissy receives so they will try him with plenty of stallions. He would have nice time if his libido were higher but pellet will stop that.”
“And if the Sheikh complains and wants his money back?”
“He vill try. But as soon as Mees Andy return to us, he will be fully fertile. Ve will show no problem when he with us. It will be zeen as Stud Farm problem. Sheikh will not make fuss. Reflect badly on his stable.”
“Good. And what will happen to him if he fails to produce?”
“They will try many methods to stimulate: stallions, stablebois, prostate massage. All will fail. They will grow tired of Mees Andy’s failure to produce.”
“And the Shaykhah?”
“She vill have lovely pony to play with. Lovely feminine pony: sweet, very good natured.”
“And limp?”
“Yes, very limp. Zhe vill show him to her girlfriends. They vill have lot of fun. In final weeks he will start to respond but only to them. They will sense female superiority. Many potential new recruits from Shaykhah and her companions.”
“Well planned Mistress Aaliyah. You are a true Mistress of The Sisterhood.”
“Zank you. And Lady Jane? Vot vill happen to her after she won for Mees Andy? Mees Andy had trained her well. Zhe vas worthy vinner. Vill she stay pony? ”
“No. Not now, although Mistress Dark is planning a Hunt after Andy gets back from Dubai. The Sisterhood will find another use for Lady Jane. She will learn to understand the contract she signed. Since it will be at least four months before she can see her Boy again, we will auction a lease on her for that period.”
The pilots completed their final checks. The Pilatus’ engines roared and it set off down the runway. As it rose from the strip, a much quieter, simple toot of a horn prompted the gate in the fencing to slide open again and the limo purred out on to the dirt road. No questions asked.
“You need vaater after your ride,” the voice whispered. Was this déjà vu? Andy still felt groggy. He was sure he’d heard that voice and those words before. Questions flooded through his head. Where was he? How long had been asleep for? And, more importantly, why did he have to wake up: he’d been having such lovely dreams about Will and all the things they’d do together. He’d imagined them living in a wing of Fullerton Hall. It had seemed perfect: living with Auntie but with Will there too.
A cup was raised to his lips. “Treenk.”
The cold water revived him slightly. Andy remembered who he was speaking to. “Thank you, Mistress.” And then added, “A cup of tea would be nice, Mistress.”
Mistress Aaliyah smiled. On this occasion she would allow him such an indiscretion. “You have had long flight, Mees Andy. You vill have cup of tea. I vill ask maid.” She pressed a buzzer then lifted his blanket. Andy shivered in the air-conditioning. Somehow he was still in the basket in which he’d laid down on the plane however many hours ago. But this felt very different. “Tea vill help revive you. Good ztrong Ingleesh tea. Now get up and have zhower. I need to do handover before plane leaves.”
Two hours later Andy was made up and dressed the same as he’d been on his first morning at the stables in California. He was no longer a stablegirl. He wasn’t even a sissy maid. He was back to being a ponyboi. All that training and he was back where he’d started eight months ago. And he was bridled so he couldn’t even speak to Mistress and ask what was happening.
Mistress Aaliyah kissed him. Andy felt a bit better. “You have been good pony, Mees Andy. You have been excellent stablegirl. I vill be zorry to lose you.”
Andy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. ‘Lose’? But he belonged to her and The Sisterhood. She’d trained him. He was her stablegirl. Her prize ponyboi. The Sisterhood’s sissymaid. He wanted to be back in California at the ranch. She led him out of the bedroom and along marble corridors. His hooves clacked on the floor. “You vill not be living in houze. You vill be in ztable. You vill only enter houze if Shaykhah vonts ‘special favours’. Andy raised his eyes: this might be better than he was expecting. He realised that he was drooling from his bridle. “Do not get excited, Mees Andy. Sheikh vill insist that you wear device. He vill keep key. Tradition remains: only eunuchs, or strict chastity in harem or for Shaykhah’s companions. Stud farm will not vont waste any of your emissions.” A device! Not again. He’d worn a cockcage quite long enough when Jane made him stay for three weeks at Knightley Towers. And what did she mean by stud farm?
“You may be invited in houze if Shaykhah vonts to give the Sheikh a ‘zpecial treat’.” Andy had little doubt what that ‘special treat’ might be. And what was this about emissions? Since being a stablegirl he hadn't cum in weeks. He’d even been denied the pleasure of helping Johannes anoint his rosette after his pony’s triumph at the gymkhana. Andy had been bundled into another horsebox while another mistress took Johannes. After all their training sessions together, he’d wanted to reward Johannes: no doubt the first of many rosettes and 1st places. He missed beautiful Johannes.
A blast of heat hit him as Mistress Aaliyah led him from the mansion on to the sandy dirt of the manège immediately outside the back door. It was clear the place was totally dedicated to horse training. “You vill look your best for the Shaykhah,” Mistress Aaliyah advised. “Do not embarrass her. Sheikh will be watching.” Andy nodded. “You vill obey her, Mees Andy. Understood?” Andy nodded again.
“Shaykhah will breed you.”
Andy was both shocked and baffled. How could he ‘breed’? How could he wear a chastity device and be expected to impregnate?
“Best quality semen during intercourse. You agree, Mees Andy.”
Andy nodded but remained perplexed. ‘Vet will collect.’ What did that mean? Did Mistress say ‘vet’ or ‘wet’? ‘Wet’ didn’t make sense.
“But first, Mees Andy, you vin this leetle competition. Show your value to the Sheikh and Shaykhah. Vin and I vill give you final treat before I leave. If you are good, ve vill collect you in four months time at end of your contract.”
Andy felt torn. No Aunt Jane and now no Mistress Aaliyah. This was intolerable. But he had to win. He wanted to win for Mistress Aaliyah but most of all he wanted to get back to California to find Auntie. He had to win. He had to stay true, whoever this Shaykhah person might be.
From the verandah of the mansion, the Shaykhah was watching with interest the latest addition to her string of ponies. He did look rather pretty like the Sheikh had said. She was becoming very keen to see how he would perform.
Monday, 16 May 2022
New Art. Incoming Call
Incoming call : Secretarial Duties
Words by Skinnie Stallion
Art by Andy Latex
Jane smiled to herself. She loved the way Andy looked as her personal assistant. His new role had also made him more organised and assertive. He needed to be if he was going to be responsible for her diary and appointments.
The last eight weeks of on-line secretarial training and Further Education with The Sisterhood had developed him a lot. They'd not only made her nephew much more knowledgeable (he'd even got a framed certificate), but he’d also grown in confidence. And, if only he knew, he’d also developed a sizeable on-line following that was proving a very nice little earner. The Sisterhood had already got her to enrol Andy on the advanced class.
It had been a while since Will had seen Andy. Will had been away with work and doing job interviews. Andy had been really worried that he might get a permanent job in London or further north. Jane knew from the excess charges on Andy’s phone that they’d spoken a lot over the last few weeks, but whenever she listened in, it was always about football or films. It seemed that Will never got the hint from Andy mostly wanting to talk about films with Keira Knightley or Emma Watson, though more lately he seemed to have taken a bit of a shine to Zendaya and Zoe Kravitz.
As Andy selected another answer, the smart camera intercom buzzed and its screen flashed into life at the same time as his inflatable Hummingplug gave him another jolt. The questions in the advanced class were so much more difficult. Andy was annoyed: no visitors were expected, and Jane had just finished her last scheduled call for the afternoon: an early finish for Friday afternoon. “I’m sorry ladies, but I’m going to need to answer the door for my Mistress,” he said to his laptop screen. It had taken all eight weeks of the elementary class for him to get used to saying ‘that word’. But he knew saying ‘for Lady Jane’ for ‘for my boss’ would set-off his Hummingplug into a mad frenzy. The advanced class had meant that he’d moved up a size and Jane had given it a couple of extra pumps after lunch just to make sure he maintained his concentration. “I’ll be back in five.” He muted the call, switched off his camera, and turned his attention to the intercom screen. It was Will.
Will back from London. Unplanned and unannounced. It was clear he had not come for work. It looked like he was already dressed for the evening.
“Yes, who’s calling?” Andy asked.
“Hi Andy, it’s me, Will.”
“Will, who?”
“It’s Will, Andy. Isn’t your doorbell camera working?”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“No, of course not. I’ve just got back on the train.”
“I’m afraid Lady Fullerton-Jones is busy right now.” Truth be told, Andy knew his Aunt had already finished her last call of the day and only a few minutes earlier had poked her head round the door to ask if he wanted a cup of tea.
“It wasn’t Jane I’d come to see.”
“And whom did you want to see?”
“You, of course!”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Andy, I’ve just come to say hello. I haven’t seen you in ages. I wondered how you were doing and whether you wanted to go out tonight? Please let me in.”
“Very well, caller. Please come round the back of the house to the Conservatory.”
Andy went from his Study down the hall towards the Conservatory. He knew Jane would be in the kitchen or sat in the Conservatory waiting for the kettle to boil. He didn’t want to do anything without her approval. Within moments Will was round at the Conservatory and had come through to the hall. “Hi, Andy,” said Will who stopped abruptly as soon as he saw his friend, astonished by how he now looked. This was not the same Andy that he’d last seen eight weeks ago. There might still be the same boyish look and figure, but his hair was now lush, thick red curls, with stern secretarial glasses, a shiny white latex blouse, and a tight short black latex skirt that was more micro than mini, and a towering pair of black heels. And earrings. Large gold hooped earrings. But on top of that there was something intangibly different. Andy wasn’t nervous or diffident. This was an Andy he’d never seen before: an Andy exuding confidence.
“Hello, William.”
“It’s Will. Just me. Plain old Will.”
“Yes, William.”
“So do you want to go out tonight?”
“Have you booked?”
“I just called on the off-chance.”
“I’m afraid Lady Jane and I are rather busy at the moment.”
“But this evening?”
Jane had heard them talking and had come out of the kitchen and called through from the Conservatory, “Darling, I think you may have a gap later.”
“Let me check my personal organiser.” Andy opened the little moleskin notebook he was carrying. “Yes. It seems I’m free after nine-thirty. Let me pencil you in. ‘Nine-thirty: William O’Conchuir’. Very good Mr. O’Conchuir.” Andy looked over the top of his glasses at Will. “Yes, I’m sure I can fit you in. I’ll enjoy that, Will. Now, I’m afraid I must get back to my on-line meeting. I will see you this evening. Ooooooh!” Andy’s attempt to pivot on his heels and turn away was interrupted by a squeal.
“You OK, Andy?” asked a concerned Will.
“You must excuse me William, I have an incoming call I need to deal with …….” What Jane’s pretty secretary didn’t add to his plea was ‘Urgently!” He must have overrun his five minutes and his Hummingplug had gone into over-drive. Andy desperately hoped he was not going to start leaking down his legs or worse. ‘Not now, please not now!’ he thought. He had to maintain his composure. He’d been trying so hard to get the answers right on the Advanced Course, despite the ladies attempts to trip him up, and managed to contain himself all afternoon. It would be a shame to spoil (and soil) his record now, especially if he could finally persuade Will to break his duck this evening. He had to save that response for Will tonight and show how he truly felt.
As Andy tried to walk away and maintain a sense of decorum and calm authority, while squirming and trying to control his inner delight, William retreated to the Conservatory. “It’s lovely to see you again Will,” said Jane. “Do you like Andy’s new look as my secretary?”
“He looks amazing, Lady Jane. Simply amazing.”
“I’m so pleased that you’ll be able to drop round this evening after our Friday night dinner with Chantelle. I’ll be fully occupied afterwards, so it’s good that you have time for Andy. He definitely has a slot that needs filling.”
“Er, yes, Lady Jane,” agreed a perplexed Will, not sure whether he entirely understood what either Andy or Lady Fullerton-Jones had just said to him.
“And Will …”
“Yes, Lady Jane?”
“When you come back, bring a toothbrush.”
“Yes, Lady Jane.”